– Day 3 – Lightning talks


  • Clinton Roy + Tom Eastman – Python Conference Australia 2015 + Kiwi PyCon 2015
    • Brisbane , late July 2015
    • Similar Structure to LCA
    • Christchurch – Septemberish
  • Daniel Bryan – Comms for Camps
    • Detention camps for Australian boats people camps
    • Please contact if you can offer technical help
  • Phil Ingram – Beernomics
    • Doing stuff for people in return for beer
    • Windows reinstall = a Keg
    • Beercoin
  • Patrick Shuff – Open sourcing proxygen
    • C++ http framework. Built own webserver
    • Features they need, monitoring, fast, easy to add new features
    • github -> /facebook/progen
  • Nicolás Erdödy – Multicore World 2015 & the SKA.
    • Multicore World – 17-18 Feb 2015 Wellington
  • Paul Foxworthy – Open Source Industry Australia (OSIA)
    • Industry Body
    • Govt will consult with industry bodies but won’t listen to individual companies
    • Please join
  • Francois Marier – apt-get remove –purge skype
    • Web RTC
    • Now usable to replace skype
    • Works in firefox and chrome. Click link, no account, video conversation
    • Firefox Hello
  • Tobin Harding – Central Coast LUG
    • Update on Central Coast of NSW LUG
    • About 6 people regularly
  • Mark Smith – Failing Gracefully At 10,000ft
    • Private pilot
    • Aircrafts have 400+ page handbooks
    • Things will fail…
    • Have procedures…
    • Before the engine is on fire
    • test
    • The most important task is to fly the plane
  • Tim Serong – A very short song about memory management
    • 1 verson song
  • Angela Brett – Working at CERN and why you should do it
    • Really Really awesome
    • Basic I applied, lots of fellowship
    • Meet someone famous
    • Lectures online from famous people
  • Donna Benjamin – The D8 Chook Raffle
    • $125k fund to get Drupal8 out
    • Raffle. google it
  • Matthew Cengia/maia sauren – What is the Open Knowledge Foundation?
    • Open govt/ data / tech / jouralism / etc
    • govHack
    • Open Knowledge Brisbane Meetup Govt
  • Florian Forster – noping
    • Pretty graphs and output on command line ping
  • Jan Schmidt – Supporting 3D movies in GStreamer
    • A brief overview of it all
  • Justin Clacherty ORP – An open hardware, open software router
    • PowerPC 1-2G RAM
    • Package based updates
    • Signed packages
Share 2015 – Day 3 – Session 2

EQNZ – crisis response, open source style – Brenda Wallace

  • Started with a Trigger warning and “fucker”
  • First thing posted – “I am okay” , one tweet, one facebook
  • State of Scial Media
    • Social media not as common, SMS king, not many smartphones
    • Google Buzz, twitter, Facebook
    • Multiple hashtags
  • Questions people asked on social media
  • Official info was under strain, websites down due to bad generators
  • Crisis Commons
  • Skype
    • Free
    • Multi-platform
    • Txt based
    • Battery Drain very bad
    • Bad internet in Chc hard to use, no mobile, message reply for minutes on join
  • Things pop up within an hour
    • Pirate Pad
    • Couch apps
    • Wikis
    • WordPress installs
  • Short code 4000 for non-urgent help live by 5pm
    • Volenteers processing the queue
  • All telcos agree to coordinate their social media effort
  • Civil defence didn’t have site ready and refused offers, people decided to do independantly
  • Ushahidi instance setup
    • Google setup people finder app
    • Moved into ec2 cluther
    • hackfest, including added mobile
    • Some other Ushidis, in the end newspaper sites enbedded
  • Council
    • chc council wordpress for info
    • Very slow and bad UI
    • Hit very hard, old information from the previous earthquake
    • staff under extreme pressure
  • Civil Defence
    • Official info only
    • Falls over
    • Caught by DDOS against another govt site
  • Our reliability
    • Never wen tdown
    • contact and reassured some authorities
    • After 24h . 78k page impressions
  • Skype
    • 100+ chatting. limitations
    • IRC used by some but many no common enough
    • Gap for something common. cross platform, easy to use
  • Hashtag
    • twitter to SMS notifications to add stuff to website
  • Maps were a new thing
    • None of the authorities knew them
  • Council and DHB websites did not work on mobile and were not updating
  • Government
    • Govt officers didn’t talk – except NZ Geospacial office
    • Meeting that some people attended
  • Wrap up after 3 weeks
    • Redirected website
    • Anonymous copy of database
  • Pragmatic
    • Used closed source where we had too (eg skype)
    • But easier with OS could quick to modify
    • Closed source people could install webserver, use git, etc. Hard to use contributions
  • Burned Bridges
    • Better jobs with Gov agencies
  • These days
    • Tablets
    • Would use EC2 again
    • phones have low power mode
    • more open street maps


collectd in dynamic environments – Florian Forster

  • Started collectd in 2005
  • Dynamic environments – Number and location of machines change frequently – VM or job management system
  • NOTE: I use collectd so my notes are a little sparse here cause I knew most of it already
  • Collects timeseries data, does one thing well.
  • agent runs on each host, plugins mostly in C for lots of things or exec plug to run random stuff.
  • Read Plugins to get metrics from system metrics, applications, other weird stuff
  • Write plugs – Graphite, RRD, Reimann, MongoDB
  • Virtual machine Metrics
    • libvirt plugin
    • Various metrics, cpu, memory, swap, disk ops/bytes, network
    • GenericJMX plugin – connects to JVM. memory and garbage collection, threads
  • Network plugin
    • sends and receives metric
    • Effecient binary protocol. 50-100 byte UDP multicast/unicast protocol
    • crypto available
    • send, receive, forward packets
  • Aggregation
    • Often more useful for alerting
  • Aggregation plugin
    • Subscribes to metric
    • aggregates and forwards
    • Limitation, no state, eg medium, mean are missing
    • only metrics with one value
    • can be aggregated at any level
    • eg instead of each CPU then total usage of all your CPUS
  • Reimann
    • Lots of filters and functions
    • can aggregate, many otions
  • Bosum
    • Monitoring and alert language
  • Storage
    • Graphite
    • OpenTSDB based on hadoop
    • InfluxDB – understand collectd protocol native (and graphite).
    • Vaultaire ( no collectd integration but… )
  • New Dishboard –
Share 2015 – Day 3 – Session 1

CoreOS: an introduction – Brandon Philips

  • Reference to the “Datacenter as a Computer Paper
  • Intro to containers
  • cAdvisor – API of what resources are used by a container
  • Rocket
    • Multiple implementations of container spec , rocket is just one implementation
  • Operating system is able to make less promises to applications
  • Kernel API is really stable
  • Making updates easy
    • Based on ChromeOS
    • Update one partition with OS version. Then flip over to that.
    • Keep another partition/version ready to fail back if needed
    • Safer to update the OS seperated from the app
    • Just around 100MB in size. Kernel, very base OS, systemd
  • etcd
    • Key value store over http (see my notes from yesterday)
    • multiple, leader election etc
    • Individual server less critical since data across multiple hosts
  • Scheduling stuff to servers
    • fleet – very simple, kinda systemd looking
    • fleetctl start foo.service   – sends it off to some machine
    • meso, kubernetes, swam other alternative scedulers
  • Co-ordination
    • locksmith
  • Service discover
    • skydns, discoverd, conf
    • Export location of application to DNS or http API
    • Need proxies to forward request to the right place (for apps not able to query service discovery directly)
  • It is all pretty much a new way of thinking about problems


Why you should consider using btrfs, real COW snapshots and file level incremental server OS upgrades like Google does. – Marc Merlin

  • Worked at netapp, hooked on snapshots, lvm snapshots never worked too well , also lvm partitions not too good
  • Switched laptop to btrfs to 3 years ago
  • Why you should consider btrfs
    • Copy on Write
    • Snapshots
    • cp -reflink=always
    • metadata is redundant and checksummed, data checksummed too
    • btrfs underlying filesystem [for now]
    • RAID 0, 1, 5, 6 built in
    • file compression is also built in
    • online background scrub (partial fsck)
    • block level filesystem diff backups(instead of a slow rsync)
    • convert difectly from ext3 (fails sometimes)
  • Why not use ZFS instead
    • ZFS more mature than ZFS
    • Same features plus more
    • Bad license. Oracle not interested in relicensing. Either hard to do or prfer btrfs
    • Netapp sued sun for infringing patents with ZFS. Might be a factor
    • Hard to ship a project with it due to license condistions
  • Is it safe now?
    • Use new kernels. 3.14.x works okay
    • You have to manually balance sometimes
    • snapshots, raid 0 , raid 1 mostly stable
    • Send/receive mostly works reliably
  • Missing
    • btrfs incomplete, but mostly not needed
    • file encryption not supported yet
    • dedup experimental
  • Who use it
    • openSUSE 13.2 ships with it by default
  • File System recovery
    • Good entry on bfrfs wiki
    • btrfs scrub, run weekly
    • Plan for recovery though, keep backups, not as mature as ext4/ext3 yet, prepare beforehand
    • btrfs-tools are in the Ubuntu initrd
  • Encryption
    • Recommends setup encryption on md raid device if using raid
  • Partitions
    • Not needed anymore
    • Just create storage pools, under them create sub volumes which can be mounted
    • boot: root=/dev/sda1  rootflags=solvol=root
  • Snapshots
    • Works using subvolumes
    • Read only or read-write
    • noatime is strongly recommended
    • Can sneakily fill up your disk “btrfs fi show” tells you real situation. Hard to tell what snapshots to delete to reclaim space
  • Compression
    • Mount option
    • lzo fast, zlib slower but better
    • if change option then files changed from then on use new option
  • Turn off COW for big files with lots of random rights in the middle. eg DBs and virtual disk images
  • Send/receive
    • rsync very slow to scan many files before copy
    • initial copy, then only the diffs. diff is computed instantly
    • backup up ssd to hard drive hourly. very fast
  • You can make metadata of file system at a different raid level than the the data
  • Talk slides here. Lots of command examples


Share 2015 – Day 3 – Keynote

Bob Young

  • Warns that some stories might not be 100% true
  • ”  Liked about Early Linux – Nobody was very nice to each other but everybody was very respectful of the Intel Microprocessor “
  • CEO of Redhat 1992 – 2000
  • Various stories, hard to take notes from
  • One person said they walked out of the Keynote when they heard the quote “it was a complete meritocracy” re the early days of Linux.
  • Others didn’t other parts of the talk. General tone and some statements similar to the one above.
  • “SuSe User Loser” proviked from laughs and a Suse Lizzard being thrown at the speaker
  • Reasons the publishing industry rejects books: 1. no good; 2. market not big enough; 3. They already publish one on the subject.
Share 2015 – Day 2 – Session 3 – Sysadmin

Alerting Husbandry – Julien Goodwin

  • Obsolete alerts
    • New staff members won’t have context to know was is obsolete and should have been removed (or ignorened)
  • Unactionable alerts – It is managed by another team but thought you’d like to be woken up
  • SLA Alerts – can I do something about that?
  • Bad thresholds ( server with 32 cores had load of 4 , that is not load ), Disk space alerts either too much or not enough margin
  • Thresholds only redo after complete monitoring rebuilds
  • Hair trigger alerts ( once at 51ms not 50ms )
  • Not impacting redundancy ( only one of 8 web servers is down )
  • Spamming alerts, things is down for the 2925379857 time. Even if important you’ve stopped caring
  • Alerts for something nobody cares about, eg test servers
  • Most of earlier items end up in “don’t care” bucket
  • Emails bad, within a few weeks the entire team will have a filter to ignore it.
  • Undocumented alerts – If it is broken, what am I supposed to do about it?
  • Document actions to take in  “playbook”
  • Alert acceptance practice, only oncallers should e accepting alerts
  • Need a way to silence it
  • Production by Fiat



Managing microservices effectively – Daniel Hall

  • Step one – write your own apps
  • keep state outside apps
  • not nanoservices, not milliservices
  • Each should be replaceable, independantly deployable , have a single capability
  • think about depandencies, especially circular
  • Packaging
    • small
    • multiple versions on same machine
    • in dev and prod
    • maybe use docker, have local registry
    • Small performance hit compared to VMs
    • Docker is a little immature
  • Step 3 deployment
    • Fast in and out
    • Minimal human interaction
    • Recovery from failures
    • Less overhead requires less overhead
    • We use Meso and marathon
    • Marathon handles switches from old app to new, task failure and recover
    •  Early on the Hype Cycle
  • Extra Credit Sceduling
    • Chronos within Mesos
    • A bit newish


Corralling logs with ELK – Mark Walkom

  • You don’t want to be your bosses grep
  • Cluster Elastisearch, single master at any point
  • Sizing best to determine with single machine, see how much it can hadle. Keep Java heap under 31GB
  • Lots of plugins and clients
  • APIs return json. ?pretty makes it looks nicer. The ” _cat/* ” api is more command line
  • new node scales, auto balancers and grows automatic
  • Logstash. lots of filters, handles just about any format, easy to setup.
  • Kibana – graphical front end for elastisearch
  • Curator, logstash-forwarder, grokdebugger

FAI — the universal deployment tool – Thomas Lange

  • From power off to applications running
  • It is all about installing software packages
  • Central administration and control
  • no master or golden image
  • can be expanded by hooks
  • plan your installation and FAI installs the plan
  • Boot up diskless client via PXE/tftp
  • creates partitions, file systems, installs, reboots
  • groups hosts by classes, mutiple classes per host etc
  • Classes can be executables, writeing to standard output, can be in shell, pass variables
  • partitioning, can handle LVM, RAID
  • Projected started in 1999
  • Supports debian based distributions including ubuntu
  • Supports bare metal, VM, chroot, LiveCD, Golden image


Documentation made complicated – Eric Burgueno

  • Incomplete, out of date, inconsistent
  • Tools – Word, LibreOffice  -> Sharepoint
  • Sharepoint = lets put this stuff over here so nobody will read it ever again
  • txt , markdown, html. Need to track changes
  • Files can be put in version control.
  • Mediawiki
  • Wiki – uncontrolled proliferation of pages, duplicate pages
  • Why can’t documentation be mixed in with the configuration management
  • Documentation snippits
    • Same everywhere (mostly)
    • Reusable
  • Transclusion in mediawiki (include one page install another)
  • Modern version of mediawiki have parser functions. display different content depending on a condition
Share 2015 – Day 2 – Session 2 – Sysadmin Miniconf

Mass automatic roll out of Linux with Windows as a VM guest – Steven Sykes

  • Was late and missed the start of the talk

etcd: distributed locking and service discovery – Brandon Philips

  • /etc distributed
  • open source, failure tolerant, durable, watchable, exposed via http, runtime configurable
  • API – get/put/del  basics plus some extras
  • Applications
    • Locksmith, distributed locks used when machines update
    • Vulcan http load balancer
  • Leader Election
    • TTL and atomic operations
    • Magical stuff explained faster than I can type it.
    • Just one leader cluster-wide
  • Aims for consistence ahead of raw performance


Linux at the University – Randy Appleton

  • No numbers on how many students use Linux
  • Peninsula Michigan
  • 3 schools
  • Michigan Tech
    • research, 7k students, 200CS Students, Sysadmin Majors in biz school
    • Linux used is Sysadmin courses, one of two main subjects
    • Research use Linux “alot”
    • Inactive LUG
    • Scripting languages. Python, perl etc
  • Northern Michigan
    • 9k students, 140 CS Majors
    • Growing CIS program
    • No Phd Programs
    • Required for sophomore and senior network programming course
    • Optional Linux sysadmin course
    • Inactive LUG
    • Sysadmin course: One teacher, app of the week (Apache, nfs, email ), shell scripting at end, big project at the end
    • No problem picking distributions, No problem picking topics, huge problem with desperate incoming knowledge
    • Kernel hacking. Difficult to do, difficult to teach, best students do great. Hard to teach the others
  • Lake Superior State
    • 2600 students
    • 70 CS Majors
    • One professor teaches Sysadmin and PHP/MySQL
    • No LUG
    • Not a lot of research
  • What is missing
    • Big power Universities
    • High Schools – None really
    • Community college – None really
  • Usage for projects
    • Sometimes, not for video games
  • Usage for infrastructure
    • Web sites, ALL
    • Beowuld Clusters
    • Databases – Mostly
  • Obstacles
    • Not in High Schools
    • Not on laptops, not supported by Uni
    • Need to attract liberal studies students
    • Is Sysadmin a core concept – not academic enough
  • What would make it better
    • Servers but not desktops
    • Not a edu distribution
    • Easier than Eclispe , better than visual studio

Untangling the strings: Scaling Puppet with inotify – Steven McDonald

  • Around 1000 nodes at site
  • Lots of small changes, specific to one node that we want to happen quickly
  • Historically restarting the puppet master after each update
  • Problem is the master gets slow as you scale up
  • 1300 manifests, takes at least a minute to read each startup
  • Puppet internal caching very coarse, per environment basis (and they have only one prod one)
  • Multiple environments doesn’t work well at site
  • Ideas – tell puppet exactly what files have changed with each rollout (via git, inotify). But puppet doesn’t support this
  • I missed the explan of exactly how puppet parses the change. I think it is “import” which is getting removed in the future
  • Inotify seemed to be more portable and simpler
  • Speed up of up to 5 minutes for nodes with complex catalogs, 70 seconds off average agent run
  • implementation doesn’t support the future parser, re-opening the class in a seperate file is not supported
  • Available on github. Doesn’t work with current ruby-inotify ( in current master branch )



Share – Day 2 – Session 1 – Sysadmin Miniconf

Configuration Management – A love Story – Javier Turegano

  • June 2008 – Devs want to deploy fast
  • June 2009 – git -> jenkins -> Puppet master
  • But things got pretty complicated and hard to maintain
  • Remove puppet master, puppet noop, but only happens now and then lots of changes but a couple of errors
  • Now doing manual changes
  • June 2010 – Thngs turned into a mess.
  • June 2011 – Devs want prod-like development
  • Cloud! Tooling! Chef! – each dev have their own environment
  • June 2012 – dev environments for all working in ec2
  • dev no longer prod-like. cloud vs datacentre, puppet vs chef , debian vs centos, etc
  • June 2013 – More into cloud, teams re-arranged
  • Build EC2 images and deploy out of jenkins. Eaither as AMI or as rpm
  • Each team fairly separate, doing thing different ways. Had guilds to share skills and procedures and experience
  • June 2014 – Cloudformation, Ansible used by some groups, random

Healthy Operations – Phil Ingram

  • Acquia – Enterprise Drupal as a service. GovCMS Australian Federal Government. 1/4 are remote
  • Went from working in office to working from home
  • Every week had phone call with boss
  • Talk about thing other than with work, ask home people are going, talk to people.
  • Not sleep, waking up at night, not exercising, quick to anger and negative thinking, inability to concentrate
  • Hadn’t taken more than 1 week off work, let exercise work, hobbies was computer stuff
  • In general being in Ops not as much of an option to take time off. Things stay broke until fix
  • Unable to learn via Osmosis, Timing of handing over between shifts
  • People do not understand that computers are run by people not robots
  • Methods: Turn work off at the end of the day, Rubber Ducking, exercise

Developments in PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) : Nathan Scott

  • See my slides from yesterday for intro to PCP
  • Stuff in last 12 months
    • Included in supported in RHEL 6.6 and RHEL 7
    • Regular stable releases
    • Better out of the box experience
    • Tackling some long-standing problems
  • JSON access – pmwebd , interactive web charts ( Graphite, grafana )
  • zero-install look-inside containers
  • Docker support but written to allow use by others
  • Collectors
    • Lots of new kernel metrics additions
    • New applications from web devs (memcached, DNS, web )
    • DB server additions
    • Python PMDA interfaces
  • Monitor work
    • Reporting tools
    • Web tools, GUIs
  • Also improving ease of setup
  • Getting historical data from sar, iostat

Security options for container implementations – Jay Coles

  • What doesn’t work: rlimits, quotas, blacklisting via ACLs
  • Capabilities: Big list that containers probably shouldn’t have
  • Cgroups – Accounting, Limiting resource usage, tracking of processes, preventing/allowing device access
  • App Armor vs selinux – Use at least one, selinux a little more featured
Share – Day 2 – Keynote by Eben Moglen

Last spoke 10 years ago in Canberra

Things have improved in the last ten years

  • $10s of billions of value have been lost in software patent war
  • But things have been so bad that some help was acquired, so worst laws have been pushed back  a little
  • “Fear of God” in industry was enough to push open Patent pools
  • Judges determined that Patent law was getting pathological, 3 wins in Supreme court
  • Likelihood worst patent laws will be applied against free software devs has decreased
  • “The Nature of the problem has altered because the world has altered”

The Next 10 years

  • Most important Patent system will be China’s
  • Lack of rule of law in China will cause problems in environment of patents
  • Too risky for somebody too try and stop a free software project. We have “our own baseball bat” to spring back at them

The last 10 years

  • Changes in Society more important changes in software
  • 21st century vs 20th century social organisations
    • Less need for hierarchy and secrecy
    • Transparency, Participation, non-hierarchical interaction
  • OS invented that organisation structure
  • Technology we made has taken over the creation of software
  • “Where is BitKeeper now?” – Eben Moglen
  • Even Microsoft reorganises that our way of software making won
  • Long term the organisation structure change everywhere will be more important than just it’s application in Software
  • If there has been good news about politics = “we did it”, bad news = “we tried”

Our common Values

  • “Bridge entire environment between vi and emacs”


  • Without PGP and free software then things could have been worse
  • The world would be a far more despotic place if PGP was driven underground back in 1993. Imagine today’s Net without HTTPS or SSH!
  • “We now live in the world we are afraid of”
  • “What stands between them and us is our inventions”
  • “Freedom itself depends on how we make use of the technologies we are creating.” – Eben Moglen
  • “You can’t trust what you can’t read”
  • Big power in the wrong is committed against the first law of robotics, they what technology to work for it.
  • From guy in twitter – “You can’t trust what you can’t read.” True, but if OpenSSL teaches us anything you can’t necessarily trust what you can
  • Attitudes in under-18s are a lot more positive towards him than those who are older (not just cause he looks like Harry Potter)
  • GNU Project is 30 years old, almost same age is Snowden


  • We can’t control the net but opportunity to prevent others from controlling it
  • Opportunity to prevent failure of freedom
  • Society is changing, demographics under control
  • But 1.6 billion people live in China, America is committed to spying, consumer companies are committed to collecting consumer information
  • Collecting everything is not the way we want the net to work
  • We are playing for keeps now.



Share 2015 – Day 1 – Session 2 – Containers

AWS OpsWorks Orchestration War Stories – Andrew Boag

  • Autoscaling too slow since running build-from-scratch every time
  • Communications dependencies
  • Full stack rebuild in 20-40 minutes to use data currently in production
  • A bit longer in a different region
  • Great for load testing
  • If we ere doing again
    • AMI-based better
    • OPSWorks not suitable for all AWS stacks
    • Golden master for flexable
  • Auto-Scaling
    • Not every AMI instance is Good to Go upon provisioning
    • Not a magic bullet, you can’t broadly under-provision
    • needs to be throughly load-tested
  • Tips
    • Dual factor authentication
    • No single person / credentials should be able to delete all cloud-hosted copies of your data
  • Looked at Cloudformation at start, seemed to be more work
  • Fallen out of love with OpsWorks
  • Nice distinction by Andrew Boag: he doesn’t talk about “lock-in” to cloud providers, but about “cost to exit”.   – Quote from Paul


Slim Application Containers from Source – Sven Dowideit

  • Choose a base image and make a local version (so all your stuff uses the same one)
  • I’d pick debian (a little smaller) unless you can make do with busybox or scratch
  • Do I need these files? (check though the Dockerfile) eg remove docs files, manpages, timezones
  • Then build, export, import and it comes all clean with just one layer.
  • If all your images use same base, only on the disk once
  • Use related images with all your tools, related to deployment image but with the extra dev, debug, network tools
  • Version the dev images
  • Minimise to 2 layers
    • look at docker-squash
    • Get rid of all the sourc code from your image, just end up with whats need, not junk hidden in layers
  • Static micro-container nginx
    • Build as container
    • export as tar , reimport
    • It crashes 🙁
    • Use inotifywait to find what extra files (like shared libraries) it needs
    • Create new tarball with those extra files and “docker import” again
    • Just 21MB instead of 1.4GB with all the build fragments and random system stuff
    • Use docker build as last stage rather than docker import and you can run nginx from docker command line
    • Make 2 tar files, one for each image, one in libs/etc, second is nginx


Containers and PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) –  Nathan Scott

  • Been around for 20+ years, 11 years open source, Not a big mindshare
  • What is PCP?
    • Toolkit, System level analysis, live and historical, Extensible, distributed
    • pmcd daemon on each server, plus for various functions (bit of like collectd model)
    • pmlogger, pmchart, pmie, etc talk (pull or poll) to pmcd to get data
  • With Containers
    • Use –container=  to grab info inside a container/namespace
    • Lots of work still needed. Metrics inside containers limited compared to native OS


The Challenges of Containerizing your Datacenter – Daniel Hall

  • Goals at LIFX
    • Apps all stateless, easy to dockerize
    • Using mesos, zookeeper, marathon, chronos
    • Databases and other stuff outside that cloud
  • Mesos slave launches docker containers
  • Docker Security
    • chroot < Docker < KVM
    • Running untrusted Docket containers are a BAD IDEA
    • Don’t run apps as root inside container
    • Use a recent kernel
    • Run as little as possible in container
    • Single static app if possible
    • Run SELinux on the host
  • Finding things
    • Lots of micoroservices, marathon/mesos moves things all over the place
    • Whole machines going up and down
    • Marathon comes with a tool that pushes it’s state into HAProxy, works fairly well, apps talk to localhost on each machines and haproxy forwards
    • Use custom script for this
  • Collecting Logs
    • Not a good solution
    • can mount /dev/log but don’t restart syslog
    • Mesos collects stdout/stderror , hard to work with and no timestamps
    • Centralized logs
    • rsyslog log to -> haproxy -> contral machine
    • Sometimes needs to queue/drop if things take a little while to start
    • rsyslog -> logstash
    • elasticsearch on mesos
    • nginx tasks running kibana
  • Troubleshooting
    • Similar to service discover problem
    • Easier to get into a container than getting out
    • Find a container in marathon
    • Use docker exec to run a shell, doesn’t work so well on really thin containers
    • So debugging tolls can work from outside, pprof or jsonsole can connect to exposed port/pid of container
Share 2015 – Day 1 – Session 1 – Containers

Clouds, Containers, and Orchestration Miniconf


Cloud Management and ManageIQ – John Mark Walker

  • Who needs management – Needs something to tie it all together
  • New Technology -> Adoption -> Proliferation -> chaos -> Control -> New Technology
  • Many technologies follow this, flies under the radar, becomes a problem to control, management tools created, management tools follow the same pattern
  • Large number of customers using hybrid cloud environment ( 70% )
  • Huge potential complexity, lots of requirements, multiple vendors/systems to interact with
  • ManageIQ
    • Many vendor managed open source products fail – open core, runt products
    • Better way – give more leeway to upstream developers
    • Article about taking it opensource on Took around a year from when decision was made
    • Lots of work to create a good open source project that will grow
    • Release named after Chess Grandmasters
    • Rails App


LXD: The Container-Based Hypervisor That Isn’t –  Tycho Andersen

  • Part of Openstack
  • Based on LXC , container based hypervisor
  • Secure by default: user namespaces, cgroups, Apparmor, etc
  • A daemon that doesn’t hypervisory things
  • A framework for maintaining container based applications
  • It Isn’t
    • No network configuration
    • No storage management – But storage aware
    • Not an application container tool
    • handwavy difference between it and docker, I’m sure it makes sense to some people. Something about running an init/systemd rather than the app directly.
  • Features
    • Snapshoting – eg something that is slow to start, snapshot after just starts and deploy it in that state
    • Injection – add files into the container for app to work on.
    • Migration – designed to go fairly fast with low downtime
  • Image
    • Public and private images
    • can be published
  • Roadmap
    • MVP 0.1 released late January 2015
    • container management only


Rocket and the App Container Spec – Brandon Philips

  • Single binary – rkt – runs everywhere, systemd not required
  • rkt fetch – downloads and discovers images ( can run as non-root user )
  • bash -> rkt -> application
  • upstart -> rkt -> application
  • rkt run
  • multiple processes in container common. Multiple can be run from command line or specified in json file of spec.
  • Steps in launch
    • stage 0 – downloads images, checks it
    • Stage 1 – Exec as root, setup namespaces and cgroups, run systemd container
    • Stage 2 – runs actual app in container. Things like policy to restart the app
    • rocket-gc garbage collects stuff , runs periodicly. no managmanent daemon
  • App Container spec is work in progress
    • images, files, compressed, meta-data, dependencies on other images
    • runtime , restarts processes, run multiple processes, run extra procs under specified conditions
    • metadata server
    • Intended to be built with test suite to verify