Rhymin & Stealin – Monday at linux.conf.au

First thing Monday I decided to go to the Virtualisation Miniconf to
something labeled “Keynote”. Unfortunately it appears their schedule was
completely screwed so one of the later talks was happening. I didn’t find
this interesting so I snuck off to Debian and caught the “State of the Debian
Project” talk which was pretty interesting.

Due to the brochure being printed a few weeks ago, the timetables from
many of the Miniconfs are out of date. While this is 100 times better than
last year when nothing had been printed it is still frustrating. The organisers
were really cool and let me print out a couple of our the Sysadmin Miniconf
schedule so I’ll hang this outside our room tomorrow to give people the
latest schedule.

At this point I really have to thank the organisers, so far they have been
incredible efficient and helpful beyond the call of duty. So when I’ve asked
for weird and non-standard stuff like printouts they have been really
nice, helpful and complete good about doing all them. I’d like to give them a
big thank you and a “You guys rock!” .

I dropped into the Multimedia Miniconf for the next session and caught
an overview of some new Dirac codecs from one of the people at the BBC
and then 3 quick talks. The first was a great update on the ogg
projects by [Chris Montgomery](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Montgomery) ,
the second was a report on a FOSS survey which was a little wasted when the
presented spent the first 10 minutes going on about her organisation and
I missed the 3rd.

For lunch ended having a very nice Italian lunch of pasta and bruschetta
( I love bruschetta) with some guys so I was a bit late back to the next

I caught the end of a session at the virtualisation Miniconf ( I
apparently missed the good ones this morning) and then over to
debian for a discussion about “Why don’t the big guys love Debian”, some
good points discussed although I think some people are hung up about
shipping binary modules, for large companies that want to run Debian on
servers binary modules are not important, solid support and someone to
yell at is. For the last session I squeezed into the security Miniconf
to heard about ssh exploits

Afterward a bunch of us went to Lydon St for the Sysadmin ( and friends)
dinner. After a bit of problem with the venue we ended up in a nice
place and had a good pizza dinner with a bit of ice cream afterward


Time to get ill

After a few problems with delayed flights I finally got into Melbourne.
for linux.conf.au. Meet some people from NZ and we shared a taxi into the
venue ( $42 total ).

I arrived around noon on Sunday and the registration for my accommodation
( Trinity ) didn’t open till 1pm so I sat in the shade chatting to people
and trying to get my cellphone to work.

My room is on the 3rd floor and a little old but nice enough, the whole
college has an old feel with hundred year old main buildings (at least
they look) 100 years old.

The conference venue is just 10 minutes walk away from Trinity so I
wandered over and signed up. I’m professional this year so a bit more
stuff than previously. After that I went with some people to Lygon St
for an ice cream.

The newcomers session was pretty good, some others have already blogged
about it. Afterward about 50 people went to a local pub (across the
road from trinity ). The pub had just opened just last week so it was
still not 100% work with staff fairly new and only a few a couple of
beers on tap. In the end I was feeling a little sick so I went home a
little early. Talked to plenty of people during the day and caught up
with a few people from previous years, this would of course be easier if
I actually could remember names and faces, roll on the Sense Cam clone


No Sleep to Melbourne

Just one day till the start of [linux.conf.au 2008](http://linux.conf.au) so
I thought I should do a few posts. This one was supposed to out yesterday
(Saturday) but I ended up getting distracted. So just pretend this was
posted 12 hours ago.

For the rest of this week I’ll be in Melbourne attended linux.conf.au and
related events. If you are new to LCA then see the [main site](http://linux.conf.au) or
read the [First timers](http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/2007/0129.html) that I
wrote a few months ago.

The Main event I am looking forward to is the [System Administration Miniconf](http://
sysadmin.miniconf.org) on Tuesday which I am helping to organise. The programme
is online [here](http://sysadmin.miniconf.org/programme08.html) although there
might be a last minute change or two.

Monday is the first day of the Miniconfs with Community Wireless, Debian,
Education, Embedded, Fedora and Multimedia, Security and Virtualisation all
happening. I’ll probably spend most of the day at the virtualisation Miniconf
but I have to do a detailed check of the other miniconf’s schedules to spot
cool talks elsewhere.

On Monday night an informal dinner has been arranged at a local Italian place
for the the Sysadmin Miniconf and anyone else who wants to attended. Details
are here


Work :(

Every day it looks more like management have decided me and the rest of the
team just get to look after old stuff until another team builds and runs the
replacement. We have been trying to fight this for a while but it doesn’t look
like we are going to be able to fight this.

Half the “interesting” stuff (products not technology) is already gone and
most of the rest looks like following over the next 1-3 years (things don’t
move fast).

Looks like my main option is to go elsewhere, so if anyone knows of anything…


Govt accidentally releases information?

So the government releases a Cabinet paper on [this page](http://www.digitalstrategy.govt.nz/templates/Page____1075.aspx) about
“New Digital Advisory Body to be established” and invites people to:

Download a copy of the cabinet paper [Potential Merger of Higrowth and the Digital Strategy Advisory Group](http://www.digitalstrategy.govt.nz/upload/Press%20releases/Merger%20HiGrowth_DSAG.pdf) confirmed on Monday 12 November by Cabinet.
*Some items in this cabinet paper has been removed because it refers to financial or other sensitive information*.

So I download the PDF document and find I can highlight blank section with my mouse and read the financial and other data. Only problem
is that I don’t know if it supposed to be secret or not. Anyway. told a few people just in case.

Tight timeframe

National Library and SSC consider the timeframe for establishing the new
body is "ambitious."

No Xen in Gutsy :(

As detail in my [previous post](http://blog.darkmere.gen.nz/archives/2007/11/13/) I
am upgrading and installing Xen on one of my servers to replace a dodgy one. However
I got stuck earlier in the week because Xen is currently broken in the latest
version of Ubuntu ( 7.10 or Gutsy). See this [bug 161783 on launchpad](https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xen/+bug/161783) for
details of the problem. So far nobody in Ubuntu seems to have noticed the
bug so I don’t know when it’ll be fixed, hopefully in the next few days.

I had a little play about bypassing it but I really don’t want to hack libc since
that’ll completely kill the box if I make a mistake.

Another separate thing I noticed this week is that since I don’t watch any TV ( I
watch TV programmes but not broadcast TV ) I don’t have any idea what the latest
cool ads are (at least not the New Zealand ones). Perhaps somebody could create
a simple system where I can watch the “hot” ads that I currently miss on TV. Like
the “Mr T” one that I’ve been hearing about.


Court News

I was called up for jury duty this week. I had sent a letter asking to be
excused but no luck getting off.

I’ve been called up twice before, the first time I was on a jury while the
second time I got challenged and didn’t have to serve.

This time around it was the Auckland district court so it’s fairly busy with
around half a dozen jury trials running at once. However the whole system
is pretty slow so I took a book (as advised) and managed to get through
quite a few pages while waiting around.

Eventually I was picked along with about 25 others (there were two other
trials starting that day) to go into court, our names were called out on
at a time and people walked forward to take their seat unless one of the
lawyers challenged them. I got challenged so got to go home (well work really)
Monday and another go on Tuesday.

Tuesday we had another twenty-something people go into the court. However it
turned out this was the same trial as Monday. Apparently a witness had dropped
out so they had to restart with a few changes dropped. Of course I got called up
again but the lawyer recognised me and challenged me again (same with at
least 1 other person). Sort of amusing I guess although the charges were
fairly serious.

I get another go tomorrow (Thursday) so I still might end up on something.

The whole process feels very inefficient, lots of waiting around in rooms
with lots of other people wondering what is happening next


Slow Week

Trying to do the post per week thing. I’ve been oncall (primary and secondary)
for the last two weeks so not getting much done. [Curry](http://auckland.thursdaynightcurry.com)
was at Raziv in the central city which was noisy and slow service but cheap.

Over this weekend I got a little addicted to [Wesnoth](http://www.wesnoth.org) so
I didn’t get a lot done. Also had a splitting headache on Sunday so wasn’t exactly 100 percent
when I was getting calls about an outage we were having.

Some interesting things coming up in the next couple of days. I’ll write later


New Blog

I’ve decided to move my blog under it’s own domain name ( blog.darkmere.gen.nz )
for various reasons. The main is that the posting scripts I hacked up were
having some problems and generating bad RSS and the other was that I wanted
to keep software and hosting options split between my [main site](http://www.darkmere.gen.nz) and the blog.

The software I am using is [nanoblogger](http://nanoblogger.sourceforge.net) which
is shell code rather than anything complicated. But I guess if it doesn’t work
out I can look at other options.


Looking forward

Miniconfs and LCA

A few weeks ago the SysAdmin Minconf got accepted
for linux.conf.au
and we posted the Call for
. Since then we have got several proposals (with more to come) so I am really hopeful about having a sucessful miniconf in
January. This year the miniconf is only one day long due
to lots of
from other miniconfs which will probably mean a
few proposals will have to be rejected but raises the average quality
hopefully. We’ll see how it goes and there is nearly two months before
the close of submissions.

Asus Eee PC

A few weeks ago
told me about (and

about) the ASUS Eee PC
. Since then I’ve been read about it and keeping an eye on
www.eeeuser.com which is the best
site for news.

The Eee PC is a small notebook, with flash based storage but otherwise
standard (but fairly low speced) components (including USB, VGA out,
Wifi and Ethernet) with what is initually announced as a target price of
$US 199. Recently the price seems to have gone up and the spec of the
bottom end models has gone down ( just 2G of flash and 256MB of RAM) but
nothing has been finalised even though it is supposed to be released in
September or October 2007.

I’m still very hopeful about the Eee PC though. Currently I don’t have a
laptop computer since the weight, lack of power and price combinations
don’t seem to work for me. However if the Eee PC ends up delivering then
I will be able to get something that will:

  • be small enough to fit in my existing bag and carry about all the
  • be powerful enough to run standard apps linux Firefox, Openoffce and
  • be cheap enough ( perhaps $300 – 400 NZ) that I can but it for
    myself as a Christmas present without having to worry too much if I
    don’t use it.

Daft Punk’s Electroma

While browsing around youtube I came across a few clips from
Daft Punk’s Electroma made the members of the music group
Daft Punk . The movie
itself isn’t very mainstream but interesting enough somebody has posted
a version to youtube that shows “the full movie, but in 170 odd frames
to save you 70 minutes” which works quite well.

A clip I really liked from the very end of the movie and titled “The
Burning Man”.

Links here and
here if the above
doesn’t work.

