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- They won’t be able to hit the ground running on Day 1
- Assume they know everything about how things work at your organisation that is organisation or industry-specific
- If you don’t account for this you will see problems, stress, high turnover
- Example: Trail by Fire
- You get shown the basic stuff and then given your first ticket
- How do you take organisation knowledge and empower people?
- Employee Socialisation
- Helps mitigate problems and assumptions
- Facilitates communication and networking
- Allows people to begin contributing sooner
- Pre-Arrival Stage
- Let people know what is expected
- Let existing people kno who is thating and our expectations for them
- Example: Automatic (wordpress)
- Asked people in the final stages to complete some (paid) work.
- Candiatites get better understanding of the company
- Preparing for Transition
- Culture-shock
- How are you like compared to where they came from?
- The new role compared to their previous one?
- Come from a place where they were an expert and had lots of domain-specific knowledge to being a newbie
- The Encounter Stage
- Mentoring, Communication, Technical onboarding
- Example: Cohorts of new hires
- Mentoring: Proven way to socialise Senior engineers. Can be Labour intensive but helps when documentation lacking
- Share Mentor-ship responsibilities: eg Technical and Organisational mentor seperate
- Communication: Expectations that company places, how privledged and how transparent?
- Authenticity: Can people be themselves. Reduces stress
- Technical onboarding: Needs to take time and do it properly. Allow new people to contribute back to it and make it better.
- Pick out easy wins or low-hanging fruit so peopel can contribute sooner
- Have Style Guides and good docs
- MetaMorphosis
- Senior Engineers are fully Contributing