2018 – Day 3 – Session 1 – k8s @ home and bad buses

How to run Kubernetes on your spare hardware at home, and save the world Angus Lees

  • Mainframe ->
  • PC ->
  • Rackmount PC
    • Back the rackmount PC even with built-in redundancy will still fail. Or the location will go offline, or your data spreads across multiple machines
  • Since you need to have distributed/redundancy anyway. New model (2005). Grid computing. Clever software, dumb hardware. Loosely coupled servers
    • Libraries > RPC / Microservices
    • Threadpool -> hadoop
    • SQL -> key/store
    • NFS -> Object store
    • In-place upgrades -> “Immutable” image-based build from scratch
  • Computers in clouds
    • No cases. No redundant Power, journaling on filesystems turned off, etc
  • Everything is in clouds – Secondary effects
    • Corperate driven
    • Apache license over GPL
    • Centralised services rather than federated protocols
    • Profit-driven rather than scrating itches
  • Summary
    • Problem
      • Distributed Systems hard to configure
      • Solutions scale down poorly
      • Most homes don’t have racks of servers
    • Implication
      • Home Free Software “stuck” at single-machine architecture
  • Kubernetes (lots of stuff, but I use it already so just doing unique bits)
    • “Unix Process as a service”
    • Inverts the stack. Data is important then app. Kernel and Hardware unimportant.
    • Easy upgrades, everything is an upgrade
    • Declarative API , command line interface
  • “We’ve conducted this experiment for decades now, and I have news for you, Hardware fails”

Hardware at Home

  • Raid used to be “enterprise” now normal for home
  • Elastic compute for home too
  • Kubernetes for Home
    • Budget $100
      • ARM master nodes
      • Mixed architecture
    • Assume single layer-2 home ethernet
    • Worker nodes – old $500 laptops
      • x86-64
      • CoreOS
      • Broken screens, dead batteries
    • 3 * $30 Banana pis
      • Raspberry Pi2
      • armv7a
      • containOS
    • Persistentvolumes
      • NFS mount from RAID server
    • Service – keepalived-vip
    • Ingress
      • keepalived and nginx-ingress , letsEncrypt
      • Wildcard DNS
    • Status
      • Works!
      • Printing works
      • Install: PXE boot and run coreos-install
    • Status – ungood
      • Banana PIs a bit too slow.

Is the 370 the worst bus route in Sydney? Katie Bell

  • The 370 bus
    • Goes UNSW and Sydney University. Goes around the city
  • If bus runs every 15 minutes, you should not be able to see 3 at once
  • Newspaper articles and Facebook group about how bad it is.
  • Two Questions
    • Bus privitisation better or worse
    • Is the 370 really the worst
  • Data provided
    • Lots of stuff but nothing the reliability
    • But they do have realtime data eg for the Tripetime app (done via a 3rd party)
    • They have a API and Key with standard format via GTFS
  • But they only publish “realtime” data, not the old data
    • So collected the realtime data, once a minute for 4 months
    • 557 GB
  • Format
    • zipfile of csv files
    • IDs sometimes ephemeral
    • Had to match timetable data and realtime data
    • Data had to be tidied up – lots
  • Processing realtime data
    • Download 1 minute
    • Parse
    • Match each of around ~7000 trips in timetable (across all of NSW)
    • Write ~20000 realtime updates to the DB
    • Running 5 EC2 instances at leak
    • Writing up to 40MB/s to the DB
  • Is the 370 the worst?
    • Define “worst”
    • Found NSW definition of what an on-time bus is.
    • Now more than 5:59 late or 1:59 early. Measured start/middle/end
    • Victoria definition strictor
    • She defined:
      • Early: more than 2min early
      • On time: 2m early – 5 min late
      • late more than 5m late
      • Very late – more thna 20m late
    • Across all trips
      • 3.7 million trips
      • On time 31%
      • More than 20m late 2.86%
    • Best routes
      • Nightime buses
      • Outside of Sydney
      • Shorter routes
      • 86% – 97% or better
    • Worst
      • Less than 5% on time
      • Longer routes
      • 370 is the 22nd worst
        • 8.79% on time
    • Worst routes ( percent > 20 min late)
      • 23% of 370 trips (6th worst)
      • Lots of Wollongong
    • Worst agencies
      • No obvious difference between agencies and private companies
    • Conclusion
      • Privatisation could go either way
      • 370 is close to the worst (277 could be worse) in Sydney


  • Used Spot instances to keep cost down
  • $200 month on AWS
  • Buses better/worse according to time? Now checked yet
  • Wanted to calculate the “wait time” , not done yet.
  • Another feed of bus locations and some other data out there too.
  • Lots of other questions
Share 2018 – Day 3 – Keynote – Karen Sandler

Executive director of Software Freedom Conservancy

Previously spoke that LCA 2012 about closed-source software on her heart implant. Since then has pivoted career to more open-source advocacy in career.

  • DMCA exemption for medical device research
  • When you ask your doctor about safety of devices you sound like a conspiracy theorist
  • Various problems have been highlighted, some progress
  • Some companies addressing them

Initially published paper highlighting problem without saying she had the device

  • Got pushback from groups who thought she was scaremongering
  • Companies thinking about liability issues
  • After told story in 2012 things improved

Had to get new device recently.

  • Needed this disabled since her jobs pisses off hackers sometimes
  • All manufacturers said they could not disable wireless access
  • Finally found a single model that could be disabled made by a European manufacturer


Note: This is a quick summary, Lots more covered but hard to cover. Video should be good. Her slides were broken though much of the talk be she still delivered great talk.

Share 2018 – Day 2 – Keynote – Matthew Todd

Collaborating with Everybody: Open Source Drug Discovery

  • Term used is a bit undefined. Open Source, Free Drugs?
  • First Open Source Project – Praziquantel
    • Molecule has 2 mirror image forms. One does the job, other tastes awful. Pills were previously a mix
    • Project to just have pill with the single form
      • Created discussion
      • Online Lab Notebook
      • 75% of contributions were from private sector (especially Syncom)
      • Ended up finding a approach that worked, different from what was originally proposed from feedback.
      • Similar method found by private company that was also doing the work
  • Conventional Drug discovery
    • Find drug that kills something bad – Hit
    • Test it and see if it is suitable – Led
    • 13,500 molecules in public domain that kill maleria parasite
  • 6 Laws of Open Scrience
    • All data is open and all ideas are shared
    • Anyone can take part at any level of the project
  • Openness increasing seen as a key
  • Open Source Maleria
    • 4 campaigns
    • Work on a molecule, park it when doesn’t seem promising
    • But all data is still public
  • What it actually is
    • Electronic lab book (80% of scientists still use paper)
    • Using Labtrove, changing to labarchives
    • Everything you do goes up every day
    • Todo list
      • Tried stuff, ended up using issue list on github
      • Not using most other github stuff
    • Data on a Google Sheet
    • Light Website, twitter feed
  • Lab vs Code
  • Have a promising molecule – works well in mice
    • Would probably be a patentable state
    • Not sure yet exactly how it works
  • Competition – Predictive model
    • Lots of solutions submitted, not good enough to use
    • Hopeful a model will be created
  • Tried a a known-working molecule from elsewhere, but couldn’t get it to work
    • This is out in the open. Lots of discussion
  • School group able to recreate Daraprim, a high-priced US drug
  • Public Domain science is now accepted for publications
  • Need to to make computers understand molecule digram and convert to representative format which can then be search one.
  • Missing
    • Automated links to databases in tickets
    • Basic web page stuff, auto-porting of data, newsletter, become non-profit, stickers
    • Stuff is not folded back into the Wiki
  • OS Mycetoma – New Project
    • Fungus with no treatment
    • Working on possible molecule to treat
  • Some ideas on how to get products created this way to market – eg “data exclusivity”


Share 2018 – Day 1 – Session 3 – Developers, Developers Miniconf

Beyond Web 2.0 Russell Keith-Magee

  • Django guy
  • Back in 2005 when Django first came out
    • Web was fairly simple, click something and something happened
    • model, views, templates, forms, url routing
  • The web c 2016
    • Rich client
    • API
    • mobile clients, native apps
    • realtime channels
  • Rich client frameworks
    • reponse to increased complexity that is required
    • Complex client-side and complex server-side code
  • Isomorphic Javascript development
    • Same code on both client and server
    • Only works with javascript really
    • hacks to work with other languages but not great
  • Isomorphic javascript development
    • Requirements
    • Need something in-between server and browser
    • Was once done with Java based web clients
    • model, view, controller
  • API-first development
  • How does it work with high-latency or no-connection?
  • Part of the controller and some of the model needed in the client
    • If you have python on the server you need python on the client
    • brython, skulp, pypy.js
    • <script type=”text/pyton”>
    • Note: Not phyton being compiled into javascript. Python is run in the browser
    • Need to download full python interpreter though (500k-15M)
    • Fairly fast
  • Do we need a full python interpreter?
    • Maybe something just to run the bytecode
    • Batavia
    • Javascript implementation of python virtual machine
    • 10KB
    • Downside – slower than cpython on the same machine
  • WASM
    • Like assembly but for the web
    • Benefits from 70y of experience with assembly languages
    • Close to Cpython speed
    • But
      • Not quite on browsers
      • No garbage collection
      • Cannot manipulate DOM
      • But both coming soon
  • Example:
  • But “possible isn’t enough”

Using “old skool” Free tools to easily publish API documentation – Alec Clew

  • You API is successful if people are using it
  • High Quality and easy to use
  • Provide great docs (might cut down on support tickets)
  • Who are you writing for?
    • Might not have english as first language
    • New to the API
    • Might have different tech expertise (different languages)
    • Different tooling
  • Can be hard work
  • Make better docs
    • Use diagrams
    • Show real code (complete and working)
  • Keep your sentence simple
  • Keep the docs current
  • Treat documentation like code
    • Fix bugs
    • add features
    • refactor
    • automatic builds
    • Cross platform support
    • “Everything” is text and under version control
  • Demo using pandoc
  • Tools
  • pandoc, plantuml, Graphviz, M4, make, base/sed/python/etc


Lightning Talks

  • Nic – Alt attribute
    • need to be added to images
    • Don’t have alts when images as links
  • Vaibhav Sager – Travis-CI
    • Builds codes
    • Can build websites
    • Uses to build Resume
    • Build presentations
  • Steve Ellis
    • Openshift Origin Demo
  • Alec Clews
    • Python vs C vs PHP vs Java vs Go for small case study
    • Implemented simple xmlrpc client in 5 languages
    • Python and Go were straightforward, each had one simple trick (40-50 lines)
    • C was 100 lines. A lot harder. Conversions, etc all manual
    • PHP wasn’t too hard. easier in modern vs older PHP
  • Daurn
    • Lua
    • – Lua in the browser
  • Alistair
    • How not to docker ( don’t trust the Internet)
    • Don’t run privileged
    • Don’t expose your docker socket
    • Don’t use host network mode
    • Don’t where your code is FROM
    • Make sure your kernel on your host is secure
  • Daniel
    • Put proxy in front of the docker socket
    • You can use it to limit what no-priv users with socket access to docker port can do


Share 2018 – Day 1 – Session 2

Manage all your tasks with TaskWarrior Paul ‘@pjf’ Fenwick

  • Lots of task management software out there
    • Tried lots
    • Doesn’t like proprietary ones, but unable to add features he wants
    • Likes command line
  • Disclaimer: “Most systems do not work for most people”
  • TaskWarrior
    • Lots of features
    • Learning cliff

Intro to TaskWarrior

  • Command line
  • Simple level can be just a todo list
  • Can add tags
    • unstructured many to many
    • Added just put putting “+whatever” on command
    • Great for searching
    • Can put all people or all types of jobs togeather
  • Meta Tags
    • Automatic date related (eg due this week or today)
  • Project
    • A bunch of tasks
    • Can be strung togeather
    • eg Travel project, projects for each trip inside them
  • Contexts (show only some projects and tasks)
    • Work tasks
    • Tasks for just a client
    • Home stuff
  • Annotation (Taking notes)
    • $ task 31 annotate “extra stuff”
    • has an auto timestamp
    • show by default, or just show a count of them
  • Tasks associated with dates
    • “wait”
    • Don’t show task until a date (approx)
    • Hid a task for an amount of time
    • Scheduled tasks urgency boasted at specific date
  • Until
    • delete a task after a certain date
  • Relative to other tasks
    • eg book flights 30 days before a conference
    • good for scripting, create a whole bunch of related tasks for a project
  • due dates
    • All sorts of things give (see above) gives tasks higher priority
    • Tasks can be manually changed
  • Tools and plugins
    • Taskopen – Opens resources in annotations (eg website, editor)
  • Working with others
    • Bugworrier – interfaces with github trello, gmail, jira, trac, bugzilla and lots of things
    • Lots of settings
    • Keeps all in sync
  • Lots of extra stuff
    • Paul updates his shell prompt to remind him things are busy
  • Also has
    • Graphical reports: burndown, calendar
    • Hooks: Eg hooks to run all sort of stuff
    • Online Sync
    • Android client
    • Web client
  • Reminder it has a steep learning curve.

Love thy future self: making your systems ops-friendly Matt Palmer

  • Instrumentation
  • Instrumenting incoming requests
    • Count of the total number of requests (broken down by requestor)
    • Count of reponses (broken down by request/error)
    • How long it took (broken down by sucess/errors
    • How many right now
  • Get number of in-progress requests, average time etc
  • Instrumenting outgoing requests
    • For each downstream component
    • Number of request sent
    • how many reponses we’ve received (broken down by success/err)
    • How long it too to get the response (broken down by request/ error)
    • How many right now
  • Gives you
    • incoming/outgoing ratio
    • error rate = problem is downstream
  • Logs
    • Logs cost tends to be more than instrumentation
  • Three Log priorities
    • Error
      • Need a full stack trace
      • Add info don’t replace it
      • Capture all the relivant variables
      • Structure
    • Information
      • Startup messages
      • Basic request info
      • Sampling
    • Debug
      • printf debugging at webcale
      • tag with module/method
      • unique id for each request
      • late-bind log data if possible.
      • Allow selective activation at runtime (feature flag, special url, signals)
    • Summary
      • Visbility required
      • Fault isolation


Share 2018 – Day 1 – Session 1 – Kernel Miniconf

Look out for what’s in the security pipeline – Casey Schaufler

Old Protocols

  • SeLinux
    • No much changing
  • Smack
    • Network configuration improvements and catchup with how the netlable code wants things to be done.
  • AppArmor
    • Labeled objects
    • Networking
    • Policy stacking

New Security Modules

  • Some peopel think existing security modules don’t work well with what they are doing
  • Landlock
    • eBPF extension to SECMARK
    • Kills processes when it goes outside of what it should be doing
    • General purpose process tags
    • Fro application use ( app can decide what it wants based on tags, not something external to the process enforcing things )
  • HardChroot
    • Limits on chroot jail
    • mount restrictions
  • Safename
    • Prevents creation of unsafe files names
    • start, middle or end characters
  • SimpleFlow
    • Tracks tainted data

Security Module Stacking

  • Problems with incompatibility of module labeling
  • People want different security policy and mechanism in containers than from the base OS
  • Netfilter problems between smack and Apparmor


  • Containers are a little bit undefined right now. Not a kernel construct
  • But while not kernel constructs, need to work with and support them


  • Printing pointers (eg in syslog)
  • Usercopy



Donations 2017

Like in 2016 and 2015 I am blogging about my charity donations.

The majority of donations were done during December (I start around my birthday) although after my credit card got suspended last year I spread them across several days.

The inspiring others bit seems to have worked a little. Ed Costello has blogged his donations for 2017.

I’ll note that throughout the year I’ve also been giving money via Patreon to several people whose online content I like. I suspended these payments in early-December but they have backed down on the change so I’ll probably restart them in early 2018.

As usual my main donation was to Givewell. This year I gave to them directly and allowed them to allocate to projects as they wish.

  • $US 600 to Givewell (directly for their allocation)

In march I gave to two organization I follow online. Transport Blog re-branded themselves as “Greater Auckland” and is positioning themselves as a lobbying organization as well as news site.

Signum University produce various education material around science-fiction, fantasy and medieval literature. In my case I’m following their lectures on Youtube about the Lord of the Rings.

I gave some money to the Software Conservancy to allocate across their projects and again to the Electronic Frontier Foundation for their online advocacy.

and lastly I gave to various Open Source Projects that I regularly use.
