DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 1 – Session 4

Everett Toews – A Trip Down CI/CD Lane

I missed most of this talk. Sounded Good.

Jeff Smith – Creating Shared Contexts

  • Ideas and viewpoints are different from diff people
  • Happens in organisation, need to make sure everybody is on the same page
  • Build a shared context via conversations
  • Info exchange
  • Communications tools
  • Context Tools
  • X/Y Problem
  • Data can bridge conversations. Shared reality.
  • Use the same tools as other teams so you know what they are doing
  • Give the context to your requests, ask for them and it will automatically happen eventually.

Peter Sellars – 2018: A Build Engineers Odyssey

  • Hungry, Humble and Smart

Katrina Clokie – Testing in DevOps for Engineers

  • We can already write, so how hard can it be to write a novel?
  • Hopefully some of you are doing testing already
  • Problem is that people overestimate their testing skills, not interested in finding out anything else.
  • The testing you are doing now might be with one tool, in one spot. You are probably finding stuff but missing other things
  • Why important
    • Testing is part of you role
    • In Devops testing goes though Operations as well
    • Testing is DevOps is like air, it is all around you in every role
    • Roles of testers is to tech people to breath continuously and naturally.
  • Change the questions that you ask
    • How do you know that something is okay? What questions are you asking of your product?
    • Oracles are the ways that we recognise a problem
    • Devs ask: “Does it work how we think it should?”
    • Ops ask: “Does it work how it usually works?”
    • Devs on claims, Ops on history
    • Does it work like our competors, does it meet it’s purpose without harmful side effects, doesn’t it meet legal requirements, Does it work like similar services.
    • HICCUPPS – Testing without a Map – Michael Bolton, 2005
    • How do we compare to what other people are doing?  ( Not just a BA’s job , cause the customer will be asking a question and so should you)
    • Flip the Oracle, compare them against other things not just the usual.
    • Audit – Continuous compliance, Always think about if it works like the standards say it should.
    • These are things that the business is asking. If you ask then gain confidence of business
  • Look for Answers in Other Places
    • Number of tests: UI <  Service < Unit
    • The Test Pyramid as a bug catcher. Catch the Simple bugs first and then the subtle ones
  • Testing mesh
    • Unit tests – fine mesh
    • Intergration – Bigger/Fewer tests but cover more
    • Next few layers: End to End, Alerting, Monitoring, Logging. Each stops different types of bugs
    • Conversation should be “Where do we put our mesh?”, “How far can this bug fall?”.
    • If another layer will pick the bug up do we need a test.
  • Use Monitoring as testing
    • Push risk really late, no in all cases but can often work
  • A/B testing
    • Ops needs to monitor
    • Dev needs framework to role out and put in different options
  • Chaos Engineering
    • Start with something small, communicate well and do during daylight hours.
    • Yours customers are testing in production all the time, so why arn’t you too?



DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 1 – Session 3

Open Space 1 – Prod Support, who’s responsible

  • Problem that Ops doesn’t know products, devs can’t fix, product support owners not technical enough
  • Xero have embedded Ops and dev in teams. Each person oncall maybe 2 weeks in 20
  • Customer support team does everything?
  • “Ops have big graphs on screens, BI have a couple of BI stats on screens, Devs have …youtube videos”
  • Tiers support vs Product team vs Product support team
  • Tiered support
    • Single point of entry
    • lower paid person can handle easy stuff
    • Context across multiple apps
  • Product Team
    • Buck stops with someone
    • More likely to be able to action
    • Ownership of issues
    • Everyone must be enabled to do stuff
    • Everyone needs to be upskilled
  • Prod Support
    • Big skilled can fix anything team
    • Devs not keen
    • Even the best teams don’t know everything

Open Space 2 – DevOps at NZ Scale

  • Devops team, 3rd silo
    • Sometimes they are the new team doing cool stuff
    • One model is evangelism team
  • Do you want devops culture or do you just want somebody to look after your pipeline?
  • Companies often don’t know what they want to hire
  • Companies get some benefit with the tools (pipelines, agile)  but not the culture. But to get the whole benefit they need to adopt everything.
  • The Way of Ways article by John Cutler

Open Space 3 – Responding Quickly

I was taking notes on the board.


DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 1 – Session 2

Mark Simpson, Carlie Osborne – Transforming the Bank: pipelines not paperwork

  • Change really is possible even in the least likely places
  • Big and risk adverse
    • Lots of paperwork and progress, very slow
  • Needed to change – In the beginning – 18 months ago
    • 6 months talking about how we could change things
  • Looked for a pilot project – Internet Banking team – ~80 people – Go-money platform
    • Big monolith, 1m lines of code
    • New release every 6 weeks
    • 10 weeks for feature from start to production
    • Release on midnight on a Friday night, 4-5 hours outage, 20-25 people.
    • Customer complaints about outage at midnight, move to 2am Sunday morning
  • Change to release every single week
    • Has to be middle of the day, no outage
    • How do we do this?
  • Took whole Internet banking team for 12 weeks to create process, did nothing else.
  • What we didn’t do
    • Didn’t replatform, no time
  • What we did
    • Jenkins – Created a single Pipeline, from commit to master all the way to projection
    • Got rid of selenium tests
    • Switched to
      • Just tested 5 key customer journeys
    • Drivetrain – Internal App
      • Wanted to empower the teams, but lots of limits within industry/regulations
      • Centralise decision making
      • Lightweight Rules engine, checks that all the requirements have been done by the team before going to the next stage.
    • Cannery Deployments
      • Two versions running, ability to switch users to one or other
  • Learning to Break things down into small chunks
  • Change Process
    • Lots of random rules, eg mandatory standdown times
    • New change process for teams using Drivetrain, certified process no each release
  • Lots of times spent talking to people
    • Had to get lots of signoffs
  • Result
    • Successful
    • 16 weeks rather than 12
    • 28 releases in less than 6 months (vs approx 4 previously)
    • 95% less toil for each release
  • Small not Big changes
    • Now takes just 4-5 weeks to cycle though a feature
    • Don’t like saying MVP. Pitch is as quickly delivering a bit of value
    • and iterating
    • 2 week pilot, not iterations -> 8 week pilot, 4 iterations
    • Solution at start -> Solution derived over time
  • Sooner, not later
    • Previously
      • Risk, operations people not engaged until too late
      • Dev team disengaged from getting things into production
    • Now
      • Everybody engaged earlier
  • Other teams adopting similar approach

Ryan McCarvill – Fighting fires with DevOps

  • Lots of information coming into a firetruck, displayed on dashboard
  • Old System was 8-degit codes
  • Rugged server in each each truck
    • UPS
    • Raspberry Pi
    • Storage
    • Lots of different networking
  • Requirements
    • Redundant Comms
    • Realtime
    • Offline Mpas
    • Offline documentation, site reports, photos, building info
    • Offline Hazzards
    • Allow firefighters to update
    • Track appliance and firefighter status
    • Be a hub for an incident
    • Needs to be very secure
  • Stack on the Truck
    • Ansible, git, docker, .netcode, redis, 20 micoservices
  • What happens if update fails?
  • More than 1000 trucks, might be offline for months at a time
  • How to keep secure
  • AND iterate quickly
  • Pipeline
    • Online update when truck is at home
    • Don’t update if moving
    • Blue/Green updates
    • Health probes
  • Visual Studio Team Services -> Azure cont registry
  • Playbooks on git , ansible pull,
  • Nginx in front of blue/green
  • Built – there were problems
    • Some overheating
    • Server in truck taken out of scope, lost offline strategy
    • No money or options to buy new solution
  • MVP requirements
    • Lots of gigs of data, made some so only online
    • But many gigs still needed online
    • Create virtual firetruck in the sky, worked for online
    • Still had communication device – 1 core, minimum storage, locked down Linux
  • Put a USB stick in the back device and updated it
    • Can’t use a lot of resources or will inpact comms
    • Hazard search
      • Java/python app, no much impact on system
      • Re-wrote in rust, low impact and worked
      • Changed push to rsync and bash
  • Lessons
    • Automation gots us flexability to change
    • Automation gave us flexability to grow
    • Creativity can solve any problem
    • You can solve new problems with old technology
    • Sometimes the only way to get buy in is to just do it.

DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 1 – Session 1

Jeff Smith – Moving from Ops to DevOps: Centro’s Journey to the Promiseland

  • Everyone’s transformation will look a little different
  • Tools are important but not the main problem (dev vs Ops)
  • Hiring a DevOps Manager
    • Just sounds like a normal manager
    • Change it to “Director of Production Operations”
  • A “DevOps Manager” is the 3rd silo on top of Dev and Ops
  • What did peopel say was wrong when he got there?
    • Paternalistic Ops view
      • Devs had no rights on instances
      • Devs no prod access
      • Devs could not create alerts
  • Fix to reduce Ops load
    • Devs get root to instances, but access to easily destroy and recreate if they broke it
    • Devs get access to common safe tasks, required automation and tools (which Ops also adopted)
    • Migrated to datadog – Single tool for all monitoring that anyone could access/update.
    • Shared info about infrastructure. Docs, lunch and learns. Pairing.
  • Expanding the scope of Ops
    • Included in the training and dev environment, CICD. Customers are internal and external
    • Used same code to build every environment
    • Offering Operation expertise
      • Don’t assume the people who write the software know the best way to run it
  • Behaviour can impact performance
    • See book “Turn the Ship around”
    • Participate in Developer rituals – Standups, Retros
    • Start with “Yes.. But” instead of “No” for requests. Assume you can but make it safe
    • Can you give me some context. Do just do the request, get the full picture.
  • Metrics to Track
    • Planned vs unplanned work
    • What are you doing lots of times.
  • What we talk about?
    • Don’t allow your ops dept to be a nanny
    • Remove nanny state but maintain operation safety
    • Monitor how your language impacts behavour
    • Monitor and track the type of work you are doing

François Conil – Monitoring that cares (the end of user based monitoring)

  • User Based monitoring (when people who are affected let you know it is down)
  • Why are we not getting alerts?
    • We are are not measuring the right thing
    • Just ignore the dashboard (always orange or red)
    • Just don’t understand the system
  • First Steps
    • Accept that things are not fine
    • Decide what you need to be measuring, who needs to know, etc. First principals
    • A little help goes a long way ( need a team with complementary strengths)
  • Actionable Alerts
    • Something Broken, User affected, I am the best person to fix, I need to fix immediately
    • Unless all 4 apply then nobody should be woken up.
      • Measured: Take to QA or performance engineers to find out the baseline
      • User affected: If nobody is affected do we care? Do people even work nights? How do you gather feedback?
      • Best person to fix: Should ops guys who doesn’t understand it be the first person to page?
      • Do it need to be fixed? – Backup environment, Too much detail in the alerts, Don’t alert on everything that is broken, just the one causing the problem
  • Fix the cause of the alerts that are happening the most often
  • You need time to get things done
    • Talk to people
    • Find time for fixes
  • You need money to get things done
    • How much is the current situation costing the company?
    • Tech-Debt Friday

Audiobooks – October 2018

How to Rig an Election by Nic Cheeseman & Brian Klaas

The authors take experiences in various countries (mostly recent 3rd-world examples) as to how elections are rigged. Some advice for reducing it. 8/10

The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Read by Stephen Fry

Once again great reading by Fry and a great story. Works very well with all Holmes and Watson action and no giant backstory. 8/10

Our Oriental Heritage: Story of Civilization Series, Book 1 by Will Durant

Covers the early history of Egypt, the Middle East, India, China and Japan. In some cases up to the 20th Century. The book cover arts, religion and philosophy as well Kings and dates. This was written in the 1930s so has some stuff that has been superseded and out of date attitudes to race and religion in places. It long (50 hours) with another 11 volumes still to go but it is pretty good if you don’t mind these problems. 7/10

Chasing New Horizons: Inside the Epic First Mission to Pluto by Alan Stern & David Grinspoon

Stern was one of the originators and principal investigator of the mission so lots of firsthand details about all stages of the project from first conception though various versions.


Audiobooks – September 2018

Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans by T. R. Fehrenbach

About 80% of the 40 hour book covers the period 1820-1880. Huge amounts of detail during then but skips over the rest quickly. Great stories though. 8/10

That’s Not English – Britishisms, Americanisms, and What Our English Says About Us by Erin Moore

A series of short chapters (usually one per word) about how the English language is used differently in England from the US. Fun light read. 7/10

The Complacent Class: The Self-Defeating Quest for the American Dream by Tyler Cowen

How American culture (and I’d extend that to countries like NZ) has stopped innovating and gone the safe route in most areas. Main thesis is that pressure is building up and things may break hard. Interesting 8/10

A History of Britain, Volume 2 : The British Wars 1603 – 1776 by Simon Schama

Covering the Civil War, Glorious Revolution and bits of the early empire and American revolution. A nice overview. 7/10

I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing: Star Wars and the Triumph of Geek Culture by A. D. Jameson

A personal account of the author’s journey though Geekdom (mainly of the Sci-Fi sort) mixed in with a bit of analysis of how the material is deeper than critics usually credit. 7/10


Audiobooks – August 2018

Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari

An interesting listen. Covers both history of humanity and then extrapolates ways things might go in the future. Many plausible ideas (although no doubt some huge misses). 8/10

Higher: A Historic Race to the Sky and the Making of a City by Neal Bascomb

The architects, owners & workers behind the Manhattan Trust Building, the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building all being built New York at the end of the roaring 20s. Fascinating and well done. 9/10

The Invention Of Childhood by Hugh Cunningham

The story of British childhood from the year 1000 to the present. Lots of quotes (by actors) from primary sources such as letters (which is less distracting than sometimes). 8/10

The Sign of Four by Arthur Conan Doyle – Read by Stephen Fry

Very well done reading by Fry. Story excellent of course. 8/10

My Happy Days in Hollywood: A Memoir by Garry Marshall

Memoir by writer, producer (Happy Days, etc) and director (Pretty Woman, The Princess Diaries, etc). Great stories mostly about the positive side of the business. Very inspiring 8/10

Napoleon by J. Christopher Herold

A biography of Napoleon with a fair amount about the history of the rest of Europe during the period thrown in. A fairly short (11 hours) book but some but not exhausting detail. 7/10

Storm in a Teacup: The Physics of Everyday Life by Helen Czerski

A good popular science book linking everyday situations and objects with bigger concepts (eg coffee stains to blood tests). A fun listen. 7/10

All These Worlds Are Yours: The Scientific Search for Alien Life by Jon Willis

The author reviews recent developments in the search for life and suggests places it might be found and how missions to search them (he gives himself a $4 billion budget) should be prioritised. 8/10

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

I’m right in the middle of the demographic for most of the references here so I really enjoyed it. Good voicing by Wil Wheaton too. Story is straightforward but all pretty fun. 8/10


Audiobooks – July 2018

The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

I switched to Stephen Fry for this collection. Very happy with his reading of the stories. He does both standard and “character” voices well and is not distracting. 8/10

Roughing It by Mark Twain

A bunch of anecdotes and stories from Twain’s travels in Nevada & other areas in the American West. Quality varies. Much good but some stories fall flat. Verbose writing (as was the style at the time…) 6/10

Asteroids Hunters by Carrie Nugent

Spin off of a Ted talk. Covers hunting for Asteroids (by the author and others) rather than the Asteroids themselves. Nice level of info in a short (2h 14m) book. 7/10

Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F*cking Idiot by Ben Schwartz & Laura Moses

100 dating tips (roughly in order of use) in 44 minutes. Amusing and useful enough. 7/10

Protector – A Classic of Known Space by Larry Niven

Filling in a spot in Niven’s universe. Better than many of his Known Space stories. Great background on the Pak in Hard Core package. Narrator gave everybody strong Australian accents for some reason. 7/10

The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future by Kevin Kelly

Good book on 12 long term “deep trends” ( filtering, remixing, tracking, etc ) and how they have worked over the last and next few decades (especially in the context of the Internet). Pretty interesting and mostly plausible. 7/10

Caesar’s Last Breath: Decoding the Secrets of the Air Around Us by Sam Kean

Works it’s way though the gases in & evolution of earth’s atmosphere, their discovery and several interesting asides. Really enjoyed this, would have enjoyed 50% more of it. 9/10


Audiobooks – June 2018

Flash Boys by Michael Lewis

Well written story of how Wall Street firms didn’t even realize high-speed trading existed while they were losing hundreds of millions to traders practicing it, until a couple of guys told them. 8/10

Woodsman: Living in a Wood in the 21st Century by Ben Law

Write-ups about building his house and the area around it along with various descriptions of traditional crafts, his businesses, appearance on TV etc. Seems to balance well. 7/10

Mars Rover Curiosity: An Inside Account from Curiosity’s Chief Engineer by Rob Manning

Interesting stories about the project with the evolution on the landing method, experiments and project problems. A bit on the short side & published soon after landing. 6/10

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes V by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Read by David Timson

The Adventure of the Reigate Squire, The Adventure of Beryl Coronet, The Boscombe Valley Mystery and The Yellow Face. All good stories, although ‘The Yellow Face’ has not aged well. 7/10

The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu

The 2nd book in the Three-Body Trilogy. A bit closer to the hard-core Sci Fi that I like although the author isn’t going for high accuracy. Feels real and kept my interest. 8/10

A History of Britain, Volume 1: At the Edge of the World? 3000 B. C. – A. D. 1603 by Simon Schama

Fairly straight history of Britain. An overview of everything so covers the main points rather than going into details. 7/10

Audacity: How Barack Obama Defied His Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail by Jonathan Chait

A little overtaken by events (written before Trump elected). Highlights Obama’s wins that the author feels was overlooked. Okay but should have waited 10 years. 6/10

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes VI by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Stories: The Adventure of the Final Problem, The Adventure of “Gloria Scott”, The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, The Adventure of the Resident Patient. More read by Timson. Good as usual. 7/10

Amazing Stories of the Space Age: True Tales of Nazis in Orbit, Soldiers on the Moon, Orphaned Martian Robots, and Other Fascinating Accounts from the Annals of Spaceflight by Rod Pyle

A mix of the missions that never were & dramatic/odd missions 7/10




Audiobooks – May 2018

Ramble On by Sinclair McKay

The history of walking in Britain and some of the author’s experiences. A pleasant listen. 7/10

Inherit the Stars by James P. Hogan

Very hard-core Sci Fi (all tech, no character) about a 50,000 year old astronaut’s body being found on the moon. Dated in places (everybody smokes) but I liked it. 7/10

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari

A good overview of pre-history of human species plus an overview of central features of cultures (government, religion, money, etc). Interesting throughout. 9/10

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes II by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, read by David Timson

Another four Holmes stories. I’m pretty happy with Timson’s version. Each is only about an hour long. 7/10

The Happy Traveler: Unpacking the Secrets of Better Vacations by Jaime Kurtz

Written by a “happiness researcher” rather than a travel expert. A bit different from what I expected. Lots about structuring your trips to maximize your memories. 7/10

Mrs. Kennedy and Me: An Intimate Memoir by Clint Hill with Lisa McCubbin

I’ve read several of Hill’s books of his time in the US Secret Service, this overlaps a lot of these but with some extra Jackie-orientated material. I’d recommend reading the others first. 7/10

The Lost Continent: Travels in Small Town America by Bill Bryson

The author drives through small-town American making funny observations. Just 3 hours long so good bang for buck. Almost 30 years old so feels a little dated. 7/10

A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World by William J. Bernstein

A pretty good overview of the growth of trade. Concentrates on the evolution of  routes between Asia and Europe. Only brief coverage post-1945. 7/10

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes III by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventure of the Cardboard Box; The Musgrave Ritual; The Man with the Twisted Lip; The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle. All well done. 7/10

The Gentle Giants of Ganymede (Giants Series, Book 2) by James P. Hogan

Almost as hard-core as the previous book but with less of a central mystery. Worth reading if you like the 1st in the series. 7/10

An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943 – The Liberation Trilogy, Book 1 by Rick Atkinson

I didn’t like this as much as I expected or as much as similar books. Can’t quite place the problem though. Perhaps works better when written. 7/10

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes IV by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

A Case of Identity; The Crooked Man; The Naval Treaty; The Greek Interpreter. I’m happy with Timson’s version . 7/10
