Updates LCA / Miniconf / Cabinet

A few updates.

1. [Julien Goodwin](http://julien.studio442.com.au) is serialising and
adapting my [Linux.conf.au: First timers Guide](http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/2007/0129.html)
on [his blog](http://laptop006.livejournal.com/).

2. My [little post](http://blog.darkmere.gen.nz/archives/2007/11/20/) about “hidden”
information in the cabinet paper attracted a bit of attention in the papers. I
notice that while blogs give credits there was no mention of my name in any of
the papers (or even a hit of how the information came to light). I’ve heard this
is common with the MSM and I wonder if it’s a good policy for them in the long term.

3. The [Sysadmin Miniconf](http://sysadmin.miniconf.org) is getting there. About 86%
of the [presentations](http://sysadmin.miniconf.org/presentations08.html) are
sorted out and with luck the rest should be in a few days time.

4. And last off [NZNOG 08](http://2008.nznog.org/) is finally taking registrations.
