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Corey Olsen Keynote Address

- The Music of Words: Tolkien and Hip-Hop
- I am not the “Hip-Hop Professor”
- Poetry as an active literary for died in the 20th century – except here
- Traditional Poetry: A framework vs the words you are saying. Rhythm and Rhyme
- Example Dr Seuss – Starts with a perfect rhyme but there he varies it at the end and then later last line is a big twist
- Origin DJ + MC in Harlem 70s street parties
- Rhythm+Rhyme in a musical context
- Has an actual beat and music
- Run DMC – It’s like That
- Preamble
- The line breaks in printed lyrics match the meter
- This is rarely true with normal printed lyrics
- They are often also inaccurate
- Review
- The shape and packing is not unlike a normal song
- But the music of the piece is entirely spoken words
- Rhyme Scheme
- Beats – beat 3 is where all rhymes are
- “Thats the way it is” never rhymes with anything. Because the point of a song is that things are wrong
- Redman: “Time 4 Sumaksion”
- Beat 1 and 3 are the primary beats
- Diagram – Blue is primary
- Rakim: Guess Who’s back?
- One of the few hiphop artists who does multi-syllabic rhyme
- Much less rigid, less stuff on the 3rd beat
- Signals change to rhyme ahead of time
- Parody the “Simplicity of what Djs do”
- The hip-hop version on enjambment
- Tech N9in: Devil Boy
- Empty first beat ( until the last time )
- “god i ly” three syllable word
- Lots of alliteration
- Then transitions to new pattern for second half of the verse
- Eminem: “Lose Yourself”
- One of the most perfect and extraordinary passages of poetry in the English Language
- “sweater and sweaty” don’t rhyme 100% but that isn’t important
- Rhyme matches the narrative ( where is gets stuck in front of the crowd )
- Main bit: 3 syllable rhyme at end of most lines ( gravity, rabbit he ) and separate 3 syllable rhyme at the start of each line.
- ..and he keeps the narrative which varying the flow
- In the chorus everybody dances . Transitions in simpler 1-2 syllable rhymes
- Eminem: Without Me
- Eminem: Lock it up
- Eminem: Untitled
- Raps in 6/8 measure (unlike 99% of RAP is in 4/4)
- Eminem: Venom
- Eminem: Godzilla
- Extremely fast bit
- Speed up? But has been performed live at similar space
- Joyner Lucas: From ‘Lucky You’
- “This is going to be quick, we’re just going to talk about two Tolkien Poems”
- Tolkien: Gimli’s Song
- Very Regular. Should be boring
- But it isn’t boring, why?
- The 3rd dimension of this poem is alliteration
- Tolkien sees d/t and y/w as cousins in rhyming (see Tengwar )
- Does a melody in the alliteration on top of the rhyme
- Varies things at the end to indicate a closing (and pump up the final line)
- Does he do this elsewhere, pick another poem
- Tolkien: Boromir’s Lament
- This poem is a more complicated meter and is more complex overall
- Alliteration: W’s form the dominate theme
- n’s and m’s also
- Q: What Literature influenced early rappers?
- Possibly just emerged and influenced each other
- Q: Public Enemy?
- Listened to a lot of that. And commentary on them
Presentation: Sam Lewis – The Elves and the Celts: Elvish Poetry in ‘The Hobbit’
- Big disclaimer at start.
- Tolkien’s Faerie
- Mythology for England / Britain
- But the Celts were already there
- Creating a Celtic Britain
- 1760 onwards , sometimes manufactured
- Anglo-Saxon = Modern . Celt = mythical, stone-age, edge of world
- Tolkien’s view
- ‘The wild incalculable poetic Celt”
- co-inhabitants of the same island
- Teutonic and Celtic in ‘The Hobbit”
- The Withered Health
- Dwarf poem from Queer Lodgings in The Hobbit
- wind is usually interpreted as representing the swarves and/or providence/fate
- O! What are you doing?
- The Dragon has Withered
- Talk a bit fast for me too keep up with notes
Presentation: Lauren Brand – The Music of Nimrodel

- As the company enter Lothlorien they come across the stream the Nimrodel
- How much music in Middle earth relates to fresh water bodies?
- Mapped up occurances of references to bodies of water and looked for songs/music and other descriptive words
- 1216 occurrences
- 621 no description
- 123 a sound
- 231 visual description
- 53 touch
- 20 taste
- 22 smell
- Sound comes and goes in various stages. Some waters like the Brandywine is described
- Mordor has little water but Sam and Frodo are obsessed with it’s lack so lot of descriptions
- Where is is the music of waters?
- “a dream of music that turns into running water”
- “a voice singing mingled with the sound of water”
- Other noisy places
- Gate stream “trickling” , “a swish followed by a plop”
- “A mighty roaring mingled with a deep throbing boom”
- “Voice of Morgalduin … seemed cold and cruel”
- Spirit of the River is common
- Like to drag people underwater and drown them
- Jenny Greenteeth
- Goldberry
- Nimrodel
- Others
- Raros
- Mirrormere
- Galadriel’s Mirror
- In conclusion, listen to the sounds around you especially the sounds of waters