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Arda Measured with Jackson Mitchell-Bolton

- The Geocosmology of the Tolkien Legendarium
- General – Cosmology of Arda
- Overview
- 1st and Much of 2nd age
- Flat and Enclosed
- Late 2nd Age
- Changes to being a sphere
- Valanor separated from the rest of the world
- What the earth is now
- What did Tolkien show us about the World?
- 5 maps in Ambarkanta
- Map 5 – Need to find out the scale
- Start with main Lord of Rings map which has scale
- Astronomy has a distance ladder
- The First Map of the Lord of the rings
- Extends much further especially to the North
- Has some differences with Final Map though
- Fitted with Published map over the First Map
- Created Smallest, Largest and Best matches
- 3 possible lengths of 300 miles. Length of “red line” is 400 +-7 miles.
- The 2nd Silmirilion Map
- Looking at features around the Blue Mountains
- Able to get a size of Balariand
- But the Gulf shows up on map 5 so can go direct
- So Using map 5 the equator is 13, 15 or 17 times the reference distance.
- Girdle of arda is 13.3 +2.5/-2.2 times the reference length
- Length of Girdle is 6120 -+1000 miles
- about 0.77x the size of the earth ( +0.14/-0.11 )
- Compare to the Atlas of middle Earth.
- 6400 falls in his estimates
- Ambarkana Diagram III – The worth made round
- The straight path is a little bit wobbly
- But actual distance is only about 1% different
- Estimated size of Ardar is about half of present day earth
- This would imply greater there have been significant changes to the world some time between the books and the present day
Diagram III
Map 5
Oaths and Promises: A Path Through Darkness and Uncertainty with Stephen Vrettos

- Oaths are used to obtain certainty
- The Oath of Feanor
- He cannot offer them safety in middle earth
- Rallys the greater path to follow him
- The Oath of Eorl, The Oath of Ciriom
- Came to rescue of Gondor
- Swore friendship with each other
- Came to each other’s aid over the years
- Smeagol’s promise
- Serve the Master of the Precious
- Why are Oaths so effective?
- Certainty on how people will act
- Certainty how other kingdoms will act
- Oaths have the ability to propel their own fulfillment
- Language in the Silmirilion – “The Oath drives them”
- Iluvatar will enforce the Oaths are fulfilled
- None can see how to get out of Oath of Feanor
- Isildur’s Curse. How did a mortal man have the ability to bind the Oathbreakers beyond their deaths?
- Seems unlikely he could do this himself even if he had magic. Even Valar could not make men immortal
- Power of curse probably came from Iluvatar
- Smeagol’s Oath – Frodo has no power, enforcement must have come from Iluvatar
- Lots of discussion on this, hard to summarise