RSS Feeds for Podcasts from The Spinoff

The Spinoff is a New Zealand news website. They have several podcasts but unfortunately don’t publish the RSS feeds for these. Instead they just list the Spotify and Apples Podcasts links. So if you use something other than Spotify or the official Apple Podcasts client it is difficult to listen to them.

I’ve found the feed links and listed them here, including those shows on break or no longer produced. These are the official RSS feeds on Acast (where The Spinoff host their podcasts). All Spinoff Podcasts are listed on The Spinoff Podcasts Page .

Update September 2023. It appears that the site has updated and RSS feeds are now linked on each Podcast’s page. I’ll leave this page up and keep updating it for now but hopefully it won’t be needed.


Q1: How do you find these feeds?
A1: I follow the “Apple” link on the podcasts page to the “Apple Podcasts” page for the podcast. Then I put that link into which tells me the RSS feed.

Q2: Where are these feeds?
A2: The Spinoff publish their podcasts via the Acast, who host it and insert ads. Acast provide RSS feeds for all their podcasts. They even provide a page for each show.

Q3: Why don’t The Spinoff publish RSS feeds?
A3: I assume they think most people use Spotify or Apple Podcasts and want to clutter their website. I’ve asked but no reply. I also suspect (based on errors they make) that some of their process is manual so it would be extra work for each episode.

Q4: What is RSS?
A4: RSS is a special webpage that lists podcast episodes (or posts in a blog or Youtube videos in a channel) that can be scanned easily by software. It allows you to see/hear updates without having to visit sites regularly to check if there are new episodes.

Q5: Can you recommend a RSS viewer?
A5: I use Newblur and are very happy with it.

Q6: Can you recommend a Podcast Client?
A6: I manually download podcasts and copy them into the Android based player called Listen Audiobook Player. I wouldn’t really recommend this workflow. Have a a look at this article on the Best podcast apps of 2021 instead. They let you put in a podcast feed and whenever a new episode is published it will be downloaded automatically to your phone.
