Personal Branding for the Security Conscious – Shannon Morse

- Who am I
- Youtube videos on Infosec, Travel
- Imposter Syndrome
- Work hard to beat it.
- Say Yes to offers
- Work hard to make somethign I am proud of
- Surround yourself with positive people
- Accomplishment
- Keep a list of them, be proud of them
- Backstory
- No background in Linux, hacking, infosec
- Mom and Dad supported me
- RTFM Sucks
- Lots of egos and elitism in forums and community online
- Decided to become the resource for learners
- Starting your career
- What do companies need, what hiring for
- How has industry changed?
- Diversity numbers?
- Can you change industry in a positive way
- Review CERT holders numbers vs Openings looking for those certs
- Look at job titles being advertised
- Industry growing -> lots of beginners
- How can you get good at it
- Understand what is your best way to learn
- Read books, classes, videos, whatever
- Compile your list of passions
- Get list of influencers / thought leaders / speakers in the area
- Follow them on social media
- Learn from your role models
- you might end up being a thought leader in their eyes
- Follow people in other areas too
- Keep learning
- Do it every single day
- Make it become a habit
- Make it a routine
- Resume
- Create a one-pager
- Business cards
- Dropped out of college put “Huitus”
- Build you platform
- Youtube, write articles, videos, whatever
- If you can afford it, offer free classes for under-represented groups
- Personal brand
- Develop the blocks
- skillsets, values, what does it mean for you to succeed
- What obstacles have you overcome
- what are you passions
- what makes you unique
- write and live by your vision statement
- If you don’t control and manage your brand others will do it for you
- Where do you draw that privacy line?
- Quiz yourself
- Eg how public are you on you income?
- Resources
- password managers
- 2FA
- Guest vs home Networks
- Clean up your social media accounts, delete old junk
- Smart sharing
- Share stuff but not barcodes, addresses
- Have a plan
- Be ready to deal with targeted harassment
- Keep notes, screenshots, know who to contact
- Trolls? Block; banhammer
- Troll back (YMMV)
- Develop the blocks
- Why I don’t quit
- Do it because you love it