DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 2 – Session 4

Allen Geer, Amanda Baker – Continuously Testing

  • Various sites
  • All Silverstripe and Common Web Platform
  • Many sites out of date, no automated testing, no test metrics, manual testing
  • Micro-waterfall agile
  • Specification by example (prod owner, Devops, QA)  created Gherkin tests
  • Standardised on CircleCI
  • Visualised – Spec by example
  • Prioritised feature tests
  • Ghirkinse
  • Test at start of dev process. Bake Quality in at the start
  • Visualise and display metrics, people could then improve.
  • Path to automation isn’t binary
  • Involve everyone in the team
  • Automation only works if humanised

Jules Clements – Configuration Pipeline : Ruling the One Ring

  • Desired state
  • I didn’t quite understand what he was saying

Nigel Charman – Keep Calm and Carry On Organising

  • 71 Conferences worldwide this year
  • NZ following the rules
  • Lots of help from people
  • Stuff stuff stuff

Jessica DeVita – Retrospecting our Retrospectives

  • Works on Azure DevOps
  • Post-mortems
  • What does it mean to have robust systems and resilience? Is resilience even a property? It just Is. When we fly on planes, we’re trusting machines and automation. Even planes require regular reboots to avoid catastrophic failures, and we just trust that it happen
  • CEO after a million dollar outage said “Can you get me a million dollars of learning out of this?”
  • After US Navy had accidents caused by slept deprivation switched to new watch structure
  • Postmortems are not magic, they don’t automatically make things change
  • We dedicate a lot of time to to below the line, looking at the technology. Not a lot of conversation about above-the-line things like mental models.
  • Resilience is above the line
  • Catching the Apache SNAFU
  • The Ironies of Automation – Lisanne Bainbridge
  • Well facilitated debriefings support recalibration of mental models
  • US Forest Service – Learning Review – Blame discourages people speaking up about problems
  • We never know where the accident boundary is, only when we have crossed it.
    • SRE, Chaos Engineer and Human Factors help hadle
  • In postmortems please be mindful of judging timelines without context. Saying something happened in a short or long period of time is damanging
  • Ask “what made it hard to get that team on the phone?” , “What were you trying to achieve”
  • Etsy Debriefing Guide – lots of important questions.
  • “Moving post shallow incident data” – Adaptive Capacity Labs
  • Safety is a characteristics of Systems and not of their components
  • Ask people about their history, ask every person about what they do and how they got there because that is what shapes your culture as an organisation

DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 2 – Session 3


I’ll fill this in later.


  • Honeycomb, Sumologic. Use AI to look at what happened at same time and magically correlate
  • Expensive or hard to send all logs as volumes go up
  • What is the logging is wrong or missing?
  • Metrics
    • Export in prometheus format
    • Read RED and USE paper
    • Create a company schema with half a dozen metrics that all services expose
  • Had and event or transaction ID that flows across all the microservices sorry logs can be correlated
  • Non technical solutions
    • Refer to previous incident logs
    • Part of deliverables for product is SLA stats which require logs etc
  • Testing logs
    • Make sure certain events produce a log
  • Chaos Monkey

ANZ Drivetrain

  • Change control cares about
    • Avaiability
    • Risk
    • Dependencies
    • Rollback
  • But the team doing the change knows about these all
  • Saw tools out there that seem very opinated
  • Drivetrain
    • Automated Checklist
    • Work with Change people to create checklist
    • Pipeline talks to drivetrain and tells it what has been down
    • Slack messages sent for manual changes (they login to app to approve)
  • Looked at some other tools (eg chef automate, udeploy )
    • Forced team to work in a certain pattern
  • But use ServiceNow tool as official corporate standard
    • Looking at making DriveTrail fill in ServiceNow forms
  • People worried about stages in tool often didn’t realise the existing process had same limitations
  • Risk assessed at the Story and Feature level. Not release level
  • Not suitable for products that due huge released every few months with a massive number of changes.




DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 2 – Session 2

Interesting article I read today

Why Doctors Hate their Computers by Atul Gawande

Mrinal Mukherjee – A DevOps Confessional

  • Not about accidents, it is about Planned Blunders that people are doing in DevOps
  • One Track DevOps
    • From Infrastructure background
    • Job going into places, automated the low hanging fruit, easy wins
    • Column of tools on resume
    • Started becoming the bottleneck, his team was the only one who knew how the infrastructure worked.
    • Not able to “DevOps” a company since only able to fix the infrastructure, not able to fix testing etc so not dilvering everything that company expected
    • If you are the only person who understands the infrastructure you are the only one blamed when it goes wrong
    • Fixes
      • Need to take all team on a journey
      • But need to have right expectations set
      • Need to do learning in areas where you have gaps
      • DevOps is not about individual glory, Devops is about delivering value
      • HR needs to make sure they don’t reward the wrong thing
  • MVP-Driven Devops
    • Mostly working on Greenfields products that need to be delivered quickly
    • MVP = Maximum Technical Debt
    • MVP = Delays later and Security audits = Your name attached to the problem
    • Minimum Standard of Engineering
      • Test cases, Documentation, Modular
      • Peer review
    • Evolve architecture, not re-architect
  • Judgemental Devops
    • That team sucks, they are holding things up, playing a different game from us
    • Laughing at other teams
    • Consequence – Stubbornness from the other team
    • Empathy
      • Find out why things are they way they are
    • Collaborate to find common ground and improve
    • Design my system to I plan to work within constraints of the other team

DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 2 – Session 1

Alison Polton-Simon – The DevOps Experiments: Reflections From a Scaling Startup

  • Software engineer at Angaza, previously Thoughtworks, “Organizational Anthropologist”
  • Angaza
    • Enable sales of life-changing products (eg solar chargers, water pumps, cook stoves in 3rd world countries)
    • Originally did hardware, changed to software company doing pay-as-you-go of existing devices
    • ~50 people. Kenya and SF, 50% engineering
    • No dedicated Ops
    • Innovate with empathy, Maximise impact
    • Model is to provide software tools to activate/deactivate products sold to peopel with low credit-scores. Plus out software around the activity like reports for distributors.
  • Reliability
    • Platform is business critical
    • Outages disrupt real people (households without light, farmers without irrigation)
    • Buildkite, Grafana, Zendesk
  • Constraints
    • Operate in 30+ countries
    • Low connectivity, 2G networks best case
    • Rural and peri-urban areas
    • Team growing by 50% in 2018 (2 eng teams in Kenya + 1 QA)
    • Most customers in timezone where day = SF night
  • Eras of experimentation
    • Ad Hoc
    • Tributes (sacrifice yourself for the stake of the team)
    • Collectives (multiple teams)
    • Product teams
  • ad Hoc – 5 eng
    • 1 eng team
    • Ops by day – you broke, you fix
    • Ops by night – Pagerduty rotation
    • Paged on all backend exception, 3 pages = amnesty
    • Good
      • Small but senior
      • JIT maturity
      • Everyone sitting next to each other
    • Bad
      • Each incident higherly disruptive
      • prioritized necessity over sustainability
  • Tribute – 5-12 eng
    • One person protecting team from interuptions
    • Introduced support person and triage
    • Expanded PD rotation
    • Good
      • More sustainable
      • Blue-Green deploys
      • Clustered workloads
    • Not
      • Headcount != horizontal scaling
      • Hard to hire
      • Customer service declined
  • Collectives 13-20 engs
    • Support and Ops teams – Ops staffed with devs
    • Other teams build roadmaps and requests
    • Teams rotate quarterly – helps onboarding
    • Good
      • Cross train ppl
      • Allow for focus
      • allowed ppl to get depth
    • Bad
      • Teams don’t op what they built
      • Quarter flies by quickly
      • Context switch is costly
      • Still a juggling act
      • 1m ramping up, 6w going okay, 2w winging down
  • Product teams  21 -? eng
    • 5 teams, 2 in Nairobi
    • Teams allighned with business virticals, KPIs
    • Dev, own and maintain services
    • Per-team tributes
    • No [Dev]Ops team
    • Intended goals
      • Independent teams
      • own what build
      • Support biz KPIs
      • cross team coordination
    • Expected Chellenges
      • Ownership without responsbility
      • Global knowledge sharing
      • Return to tribute system (2w out of the workflow)
  • Next
    • Keep growing team
    • Working groups
    • Eventual SRE
    • 24h global coverage
  • Case a “Constitution” of values that everybody who is hired signs
  • Takeaways
    • Maximise impact
      • Dependable tools over fashionable ones
      • Prefer industry-std tech
      • But get creative when necessary
    • Define what reliability means for your system
    • Evolve with Empathy
      • Don’t be dogmatic without structure
      • Serve your customers and your team
      • Adapt when necessary
      • Talk to people
      • Be explicit as to the tradeoffs you are making

Anthony Borton – Four lessons learnt from Microsoft’s DevOps Transformation

  • Microsoft starting in 1975
  • 93k odd engineers at Microsoft
    • 78k deployments per day
    • 2m commits per month
    • 4.4 builds/month
    • 500 million tests/day
  • 2018 State of Devops reports looks at Elite performers in the space
  • TFS – Team Foundation Server
    • Move product to the cloud
    • Moved on-prem to one instance
    • Each account had it’s own DB (broke stuff at 11k DBs)
  • 4 lessons
    • Customer focussed
      • Listen to customers,
      • Lots of team members keep eye on it
      • Stackoverflow
      • Embed with customers
      • Feedback inside product
      • Have to listen in all the channels
    • Failure is an opportunity to learn
    • Definition of done
      • Live in prod, collecting telemetary that examines hypotheses that it was created to prove
    • “For those of you who don’t know who Encarta is, look it up on Wikipedia”
  • Team Structure
    • Combined engineering = devs + testing
      • Some testers left team or organisation
    • Feature team
      • Physical team rooms
      • Cross discipline
      • 10-12 people
      • self managing
      • Clear charter and goals
      • Intact for 12-18 months
    • Sticky note exercise, people pick which teams they would like to join (first 3 choices)
      • 20% choose to change
      • 100% get the choice
  • New constants and requirements
    • Problems
      • Tests took too long – 22h to 2days
      • Tests failed frequently – On 60% passed 100%
      • Quality signal unreliable in master
    • Publish VSTS Quality vision
      • Sorted by exteranl dependancies
      • Unit tests
        • L0 – in-memory unit tests
        • L1 – More with SQL
      • Functional Tests
        • L2 – Functional tests against testable service deployment
        • L3 – Restricted class integration tests that run against production
      • 83k L0 tests run agains all pulls very fast
  • Deploy to rings of users
    • Ring 0 – Internal Only
    • Ring 1 – Small Datacentre 1-1.5m accounts in Brazil (same TZ as US)
    • Ring 2 – Public accounts, medium-large data centre
    • Ring 3 – Large internal accounts
    • Ring 4-5 – everyone else
    • Takes about a week for normal releases.
    • Binaries go out and then the database changes
    • Delays of minutes (up to 75) during the deploys to allow bugs to manafest
    • Some customers have access to feature flags
    • Customers who are risk tolerant can opt in to early deploys. Allows them to get faster feedback from people who are able to provide it
  • More features delivered in 2016 than previous 4 years. 50% more in 2017



DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 1 – Session 4

Everett Toews – A Trip Down CI/CD Lane

I missed most of this talk. Sounded Good.

Jeff Smith – Creating Shared Contexts

  • Ideas and viewpoints are different from diff people
  • Happens in organisation, need to make sure everybody is on the same page
  • Build a shared context via conversations
  • Info exchange
  • Communications tools
  • Context Tools
  • X/Y Problem
  • Data can bridge conversations. Shared reality.
  • Use the same tools as other teams so you know what they are doing
  • Give the context to your requests, ask for them and it will automatically happen eventually.

Peter Sellars – 2018: A Build Engineers Odyssey

  • Hungry, Humble and Smart

Katrina Clokie – Testing in DevOps for Engineers

  • We can already write, so how hard can it be to write a novel?
  • Hopefully some of you are doing testing already
  • Problem is that people overestimate their testing skills, not interested in finding out anything else.
  • The testing you are doing now might be with one tool, in one spot. You are probably finding stuff but missing other things
  • Why important
    • Testing is part of you role
    • In Devops testing goes though Operations as well
    • Testing is DevOps is like air, it is all around you in every role
    • Roles of testers is to tech people to breath continuously and naturally.
  • Change the questions that you ask
    • How do you know that something is okay? What questions are you asking of your product?
    • Oracles are the ways that we recognise a problem
    • Devs ask: “Does it work how we think it should?”
    • Ops ask: “Does it work how it usually works?”
    • Devs on claims, Ops on history
    • Does it work like our competors, does it meet it’s purpose without harmful side effects, doesn’t it meet legal requirements, Does it work like similar services.
    • HICCUPPS – Testing without a Map – Michael Bolton, 2005
    • How do we compare to what other people are doing?  ( Not just a BA’s job , cause the customer will be asking a question and so should you)
    • Flip the Oracle, compare them against other things not just the usual.
    • Audit – Continuous compliance, Always think about if it works like the standards say it should.
    • These are things that the business is asking. If you ask then gain confidence of business
  • Look for Answers in Other Places
    • Number of tests: UI <  Service < Unit
    • The Test Pyramid as a bug catcher. Catch the Simple bugs first and then the subtle ones
  • Testing mesh
    • Unit tests – fine mesh
    • Intergration – Bigger/Fewer tests but cover more
    • Next few layers: End to End, Alerting, Monitoring, Logging. Each stops different types of bugs
    • Conversation should be “Where do we put our mesh?”, “How far can this bug fall?”.
    • If another layer will pick the bug up do we need a test.
  • Use Monitoring as testing
    • Push risk really late, no in all cases but can often work
  • A/B testing
    • Ops needs to monitor
    • Dev needs framework to role out and put in different options
  • Chaos Engineering
    • Start with something small, communicate well and do during daylight hours.
    • Yours customers are testing in production all the time, so why arn’t you too?



DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 1 – Session 3

Open Space 1 – Prod Support, who’s responsible

  • Problem that Ops doesn’t know products, devs can’t fix, product support owners not technical enough
  • Xero have embedded Ops and dev in teams. Each person oncall maybe 2 weeks in 20
  • Customer support team does everything?
  • “Ops have big graphs on screens, BI have a couple of BI stats on screens, Devs have …youtube videos”
  • Tiers support vs Product team vs Product support team
  • Tiered support
    • Single point of entry
    • lower paid person can handle easy stuff
    • Context across multiple apps
  • Product Team
    • Buck stops with someone
    • More likely to be able to action
    • Ownership of issues
    • Everyone must be enabled to do stuff
    • Everyone needs to be upskilled
  • Prod Support
    • Big skilled can fix anything team
    • Devs not keen
    • Even the best teams don’t know everything

Open Space 2 – DevOps at NZ Scale

  • Devops team, 3rd silo
    • Sometimes they are the new team doing cool stuff
    • One model is evangelism team
  • Do you want devops culture or do you just want somebody to look after your pipeline?
  • Companies often don’t know what they want to hire
  • Companies get some benefit with the tools (pipelines, agile)  but not the culture. But to get the whole benefit they need to adopt everything.
  • The Way of Ways article by John Cutler

Open Space 3 – Responding Quickly

I was taking notes on the board.


DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 1 – Session 2

Mark Simpson, Carlie Osborne – Transforming the Bank: pipelines not paperwork

  • Change really is possible even in the least likely places
  • Big and risk adverse
    • Lots of paperwork and progress, very slow
  • Needed to change – In the beginning – 18 months ago
    • 6 months talking about how we could change things
  • Looked for a pilot project – Internet Banking team – ~80 people – Go-money platform
    • Big monolith, 1m lines of code
    • New release every 6 weeks
    • 10 weeks for feature from start to production
    • Release on midnight on a Friday night, 4-5 hours outage, 20-25 people.
    • Customer complaints about outage at midnight, move to 2am Sunday morning
  • Change to release every single week
    • Has to be middle of the day, no outage
    • How do we do this?
  • Took whole Internet banking team for 12 weeks to create process, did nothing else.
  • What we didn’t do
    • Didn’t replatform, no time
  • What we did
    • Jenkins – Created a single Pipeline, from commit to master all the way to projection
    • Got rid of selenium tests
    • Switched to
      • Just tested 5 key customer journeys
    • Drivetrain – Internal App
      • Wanted to empower the teams, but lots of limits within industry/regulations
      • Centralise decision making
      • Lightweight Rules engine, checks that all the requirements have been done by the team before going to the next stage.
    • Cannery Deployments
      • Two versions running, ability to switch users to one or other
  • Learning to Break things down into small chunks
  • Change Process
    • Lots of random rules, eg mandatory standdown times
    • New change process for teams using Drivetrain, certified process no each release
  • Lots of times spent talking to people
    • Had to get lots of signoffs
  • Result
    • Successful
    • 16 weeks rather than 12
    • 28 releases in less than 6 months (vs approx 4 previously)
    • 95% less toil for each release
  • Small not Big changes
    • Now takes just 4-5 weeks to cycle though a feature
    • Don’t like saying MVP. Pitch is as quickly delivering a bit of value
    • and iterating
    • 2 week pilot, not iterations -> 8 week pilot, 4 iterations
    • Solution at start -> Solution derived over time
  • Sooner, not later
    • Previously
      • Risk, operations people not engaged until too late
      • Dev team disengaged from getting things into production
    • Now
      • Everybody engaged earlier
  • Other teams adopting similar approach

Ryan McCarvill – Fighting fires with DevOps

  • Lots of information coming into a firetruck, displayed on dashboard
  • Old System was 8-degit codes
  • Rugged server in each each truck
    • UPS
    • Raspberry Pi
    • Storage
    • Lots of different networking
  • Requirements
    • Redundant Comms
    • Realtime
    • Offline Mpas
    • Offline documentation, site reports, photos, building info
    • Offline Hazzards
    • Allow firefighters to update
    • Track appliance and firefighter status
    • Be a hub for an incident
    • Needs to be very secure
  • Stack on the Truck
    • Ansible, git, docker, .netcode, redis, 20 micoservices
  • What happens if update fails?
  • More than 1000 trucks, might be offline for months at a time
  • How to keep secure
  • AND iterate quickly
  • Pipeline
    • Online update when truck is at home
    • Don’t update if moving
    • Blue/Green updates
    • Health probes
  • Visual Studio Team Services -> Azure cont registry
  • Playbooks on git , ansible pull,
  • Nginx in front of blue/green
  • Built – there were problems
    • Some overheating
    • Server in truck taken out of scope, lost offline strategy
    • No money or options to buy new solution
  • MVP requirements
    • Lots of gigs of data, made some so only online
    • But many gigs still needed online
    • Create virtual firetruck in the sky, worked for online
    • Still had communication device – 1 core, minimum storage, locked down Linux
  • Put a USB stick in the back device and updated it
    • Can’t use a lot of resources or will inpact comms
    • Hazard search
      • Java/python app, no much impact on system
      • Re-wrote in rust, low impact and worked
      • Changed push to rsync and bash
  • Lessons
    • Automation gots us flexability to change
    • Automation gave us flexability to grow
    • Creativity can solve any problem
    • You can solve new problems with old technology
    • Sometimes the only way to get buy in is to just do it.

DevOpsDaysNZ 2018 – Day 1 – Session 1

Jeff Smith – Moving from Ops to DevOps: Centro’s Journey to the Promiseland

  • Everyone’s transformation will look a little different
  • Tools are important but not the main problem (dev vs Ops)
  • Hiring a DevOps Manager
    • Just sounds like a normal manager
    • Change it to “Director of Production Operations”
  • A “DevOps Manager” is the 3rd silo on top of Dev and Ops
  • What did peopel say was wrong when he got there?
    • Paternalistic Ops view
      • Devs had no rights on instances
      • Devs no prod access
      • Devs could not create alerts
  • Fix to reduce Ops load
    • Devs get root to instances, but access to easily destroy and recreate if they broke it
    • Devs get access to common safe tasks, required automation and tools (which Ops also adopted)
    • Migrated to datadog – Single tool for all monitoring that anyone could access/update.
    • Shared info about infrastructure. Docs, lunch and learns. Pairing.
  • Expanding the scope of Ops
    • Included in the training and dev environment, CICD. Customers are internal and external
    • Used same code to build every environment
    • Offering Operation expertise
      • Don’t assume the people who write the software know the best way to run it
  • Behaviour can impact performance
    • See book “Turn the Ship around”
    • Participate in Developer rituals – Standups, Retros
    • Start with “Yes.. But” instead of “No” for requests. Assume you can but make it safe
    • Can you give me some context. Do just do the request, get the full picture.
  • Metrics to Track
    • Planned vs unplanned work
    • What are you doing lots of times.
  • What we talk about?
    • Don’t allow your ops dept to be a nanny
    • Remove nanny state but maintain operation safety
    • Monitor how your language impacts behavour
    • Monitor and track the type of work you are doing

François Conil – Monitoring that cares (the end of user based monitoring)

  • User Based monitoring (when people who are affected let you know it is down)
  • Why are we not getting alerts?
    • We are are not measuring the right thing
    • Just ignore the dashboard (always orange or red)
    • Just don’t understand the system
  • First Steps
    • Accept that things are not fine
    • Decide what you need to be measuring, who needs to know, etc. First principals
    • A little help goes a long way ( need a team with complementary strengths)
  • Actionable Alerts
    • Something Broken, User affected, I am the best person to fix, I need to fix immediately
    • Unless all 4 apply then nobody should be woken up.
      • Measured: Take to QA or performance engineers to find out the baseline
      • User affected: If nobody is affected do we care? Do people even work nights? How do you gather feedback?
      • Best person to fix: Should ops guys who doesn’t understand it be the first person to page?
      • Do it need to be fixed? – Backup environment, Too much detail in the alerts, Don’t alert on everything that is broken, just the one causing the problem
  • Fix the cause of the alerts that are happening the most often
  • You need time to get things done
    • Talk to people
    • Find time for fixes
  • You need money to get things done
    • How much is the current situation costing the company?
    • Tech-Debt Friday