OzMoot 2025 Conference

From Friday 24th January to Sunday 26th January 2025 I attended the OzMoot 2025 conference in Melbourne.

OzMoot is a small conference centered around the works of J.R.R Tolkien and related topics. It is run by Hern Ennorath (The Australian Tolkien fan organisation) in partnership with Signum University who do various activities including running similar events around the world.


Around 30 people attended in person with a similar number online. The venue was a community hall. Cost was $US 100 per person for the two and a half days of the conference.

The programme mostly consisted of talks on various topics ( Scroll down here to see the schedule ) with coffee/biscuits for morning and afternoon tea and a break for lunch which most people took at the nearby cafes (or brought food back to the venue). In the evening there were two dinners (one at a restaurant and another at the home of an attendee) plus there was an ad-hoc dinner on the last day some attended.

When I saw the “mostly talks” there were several events that were not straight presentations. They included several talks that included music (as per the theme of the conference) plus straight musical performances, a costume parade, Tolkien readings and a trivia competition.

The Hall also had tables setup. One with books (and other items) for sale, a second with collectables displayed and a 3rd with a jigsaw puzzle (which we collectively did not finish)

The event was Hybrid with streaming via Zoom and an active Slack for the duration of the event.

Items for sale
Collectables Display


The conference was described as “In the grey area between fan convention and academic conference” which is pretty accurate. Many of the talks are quite academic although by no means all of them and the talks are mostly accessible even if you are only a casual fan (or been dragged along by your Mum in two cases this year).

I’ve blogged my notes on the talks

You note that not all the talks are directly Tolkien related. eg the Keynote was analyzing Rap/HipHop Music.

“Tolkien Professor” Corey Olsen analyzing Rhyming in Rap Music

This conference was the third I’ve attended. I went to 2023 online and attended OzMoot 2024 in Sydney in person.

The whole event is great and the people are very welcoming. The attendees are a wide range of ages and have lots of interests and skills outside the world of Tolkien.

I would recommend the conference if you are interested in Tolkien and in Australia or New Zealand. If you want to start off slow I’d suggest attended one of the Moots online. They mostly last a day and cost around $US25. Signum also does several free weekly streams/podcasts and paid online courses.

Next year’s OzMoot is planned for late-January 2026 in Canberra and there are tentative plans for 2027 to be held in Wellington. I hope to attended both events.

