Keynote: From 2020 to 2121: How will we get there?
Who is watching and why are they watching,? Why does it matter?
People install siri and other personal assistants. Cameras are everywhere.
We are making it too easy for the bad guys.
But makers of free and open source software and also helping the persuasion industry. Are we responsible for that?
The Why matters. Is the tech deterring crime, helping rescue people or used for repressing people.
Observation + Suspicious = Surveillance
From here to 2021
How to make the future happen. Act now to create what you’ll need when you get there. Pack like a Hiking trip
The Four Powers – Information, Relationships, Resources and Decision Making
What is something small can you do now to make the future better? Donna is going to take steps to improve our herd immunity to mass surveillance
Step to take to more evenly distribute power now and more evenly distribute the future in 2021
Open Australia – Run various websites
– Putting Hansard online in machine readable format
– More easily submit freedom of information request
Appreciative Inquiry