Audiobooks – March 2019

An Economist Gets Lunch: New Rules for Everyday Foodies by Tyler Cowen

A huge amount of practical advice and how and where to find the best food both locally and abroad. Plus good explanations as to why. 8/10

The Not-Quite States of America: Dispatches from the Territories and Other Far-Flung Outposts of the USA by Doug Mack

Writer tours the not-states of the USA. A bit too fluffy most of the time & too much hanging with US expats. Some interesting bits. 6/10

Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign by Jonathan Allen & Amie Parnes

Chronology of the campaign based on background interviews with staffers. A ready needs a good knowledge of the race since this is assumed. Interesting enough. 7/10

Rush Hour by Iain Gatel

A history of commuting (from the early railway era), how it has driven changes in housing, work and society. Plus lots of other random stuff. Very pleasant. 8/10
