Drupal8 outta the box – Donna Benjamin
- I went to the first half of this but wanted to catch the talk below so I missed the 2nd part
Connecting Containers: Building a PaaS with Docker and Kubernetes – Katie Miller
- co-presented with Steve Pousty
- Plugs their OpenShift book, they are re-archetecturing the whole thing based on what in the book
- Platform as a service
- dev tooling, runtime, OS , App server, middleware.
- everything except the application itself
- Openshift is an example
- Reasons to rebuild
- New tech
- Lessons learned from old deploy
- Stack
- Atomic + docker + Kubeneties
- Atomic
- Redhat’s answer of CoreOS
- RPM-OSTree – atomic update to the OS
- Minimal System
- Fast boot, container mngt, Good Kernel
- Containers
- Docker
- Nice way of specifying everything
- Pros – portable, easy to create, fast boot
- Cons – host centric, no reporting
- Wins – BYOP ( each container brings all it’s dependencies ) , Standard way to make containers , Big eco-system
- Kubernetes
- system managing containerize maps across multiple hosts
- declarative model
- open source by google
- pod + service + label + replication controller
- cluster = N*nodes + master(s) + etcd
- Wins: Runtime and operation management + management related containers as a unit, container communication, available, scalable, automated, across multiple hosts
- Rebuilding Openshift
- Kubernetes provides container runtime
- Openshift provides devops and team enviroment
- Concepts
- application = multiple pods linked togeather (front + back + db ) managed as a unit, scald independantly
- config
- template
- build config = source + build -> image
- deployment = image and settings for it
- This is OpenShift v3 – things have been moving very fast so some docs are out of date
- Slides http://containers.codemiller.com